Posted by More cub and adol training opportunities

=(⊙¤⊙)= (#348254)

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Posted on
2022-12-19 21:51:45
When I have a lot of cubs and a lot going on, I've found it really difficult to fully train all the adols before they age up and can only focus on 2 or 3 while the other 4-20 get neglected and don't fully train.

I'd like to see being able to cub train your cubs at least every 12 hours instead of once a day, with the same fail/success rates. At least then if your cub failed the first training they would get another chance.

I would also like to see the female and male adols you can take along for Training increase the way broodmothers do.... every ten territory slots you can take another adol with you.

So basic 0-40 gets you 2 female adols on hunts and 1 male in training to patrol with a sub male. 50 means you can take 3 females and 2 male adols. 60 let's you take 4 adol females and 3 adol males, etc. I would also like the base amount you can take to increase possibly by 1 female adol if that would be an option.

Or you could spend gb like you do for extra cub stages to buy the opportunity for you to send 2 groups of lionesses or submales out to hunt with their respective adols. Possibly a Monthly purchase to renew.

Since there aren't many easily accessible/year round training items to give adols, I'd also say an oasis item you can buy and give to an adol to train them 10% or so for 1gb would be nice as well. Medlar fruit is not offered or found year round.

Thanks for reading!

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Edited on 19/12/22 @ 21:53:25 by Cass -(Meow)- (#348254)

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