If you breed two lions with (any) piebald to (any) piebald (or patches x patches)there is a rare chance to pass an aberrant form of one of their piebalds. (Or patches.)
For example the new (patches) Cross mutation. A cross and any other patches type would have a small chance to produce "Banded Cross" instead. (With equal chance of the other factor passing instead, i.e. Uneven Patches becomes 'Half Patch' if passing aberrantly- again example.) A cross x cross would have a slightly higher odds to produce an aberrant version than cross x some other patches.
Piebald 1 x Piebald 1 = Higher odds of aberrant Piebald 1, but still rare. Normal odds of Piebald 1.
Piebald 1 x Piebald 2 = Low odds of aberrant Piebald 1 or Piebald 2. Normal odds of Piebald 1 or 2.
[Pros: More people would be gobbling up randomly made pies and the overall GB value on the site would boom since people go ga ga over the things. People who are 'done buying' and sitting on their hoard might start to suddenly reinvest. New players would be happy because they have a way to make GB more accessibly.] Black friday mods AND old, old mutations would benefit.
Thoughts on extra hidden benefits:
The odds could be increased or only appear in circumstances that promote site rebalancing goals. [I can hear people weeping but these are just examples. If you wanted inbred lions to have value, make them only appear from inbred lions. If you want longer lines to be valuable, make them only appear from 8+ generations, etc.] It could be only from ferus somewhere in heritage, only from pon heritage, only from 2k+ stat parents on both sides, or just any lion. I'm saying there is a chance to make some rebalancing changes if desired. Programming difficulties vary depending on target to modify.
Banded Cross (Concept) Example:
(I had made it just for liking it, for leopon and realized it was a worthy idea.)
Aberrant Style
My take: Aberrant versions should be more visually complex, with some pattern-areas being lower opacity to let some natural color through (imagine an erased pattern over an opaque one- two patterns being fused. Look at a numbat for inspiration.), -and sometimes being more like a psudomelanistic zebra in the sense of even nature breaks rules a little- taking inspiration from the odd-balls. It may be a touch of personal preference or bias, but I think the best patterns do not block in the lion's natural color/pattern, but compliment it by being a character-distinctive feature of its own flavor. (You look at it and can easily name which one it is.) For example the bands down the back of the lioness in my example are interesting, but a fully blocked in front leg extending all the way up to the back of the lion covers a lot of the lion's natural color/patterns up. Mine still sports this on the legs, because cross (Banded Cross's parent-factor) is basically the heaviest patch/pie mutation of them all. The make-believe "Banded Cross" is just an aberrant version of the original gene.
Some people would really like a heavy gene for high contrast, like black on white, but some people may only prefer a cloud like broken dapple down the back and upper tail, a splash on the face changing the eye blue, and nothing more than that. It looks wicked while being minimal. "I have a rare gene. It's trendy and stud worthy now and I worked hard for it. Please don't actually touch my lion's 8 rosettes." With so many pie/patches there are a lot of minimalist-tiny to full body melanism with broken leopard spots being the only thing you can see below options to fit a wide variety of tastes.