Posted by Tigon breeding

Luna(G3 11x bo) (#238538)

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Posted on
2022-12-26 16:50:44
Do GMO cows increase the chances or do they just not do anything? Also, what mutations are safe that I can breed with? I heard that I should stay away from breeding my gon with mutated lions and use studs without mutations.

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Toaster (G1
Mantle|5xRos) (#208677)

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Posted on
2022-12-26 17:04:20
GMO Cows do NOT increase the chance of tigon mutation passing, just natural all random mutations. In addition, all mutations are safe for hybrid breeding as they take priority on the mutation table, meaning if one cub rolls to be a ferus, and a tigon at the same time, it will come out being a tigon.

Here is the order of which mutations pass:
Leopon OR Overgrown Fur OR Tigon† ➜ Patches/Piebald† ➜ GMO Cow/Lion Meat ➜ Cotton Root Bark ➜ Fertility/Natural Chance ➜ Lion Scrotum ➜ Primal ➜ Dorsal Fur† ➜ Tigon Boost* ➜ Mukombero ➜ Dorsal Fur Guarantee*

Lion Scrotums also do not work on hybrids. Best bet for breeding any hybrid is a buffalo scrotum to have more cubs for a chance to pass!

Good luck on your breedings!

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Edited on 26/12/22 @ 17:04:59 by Toaster (G3|5xRos|Ferus|1k+) (#208677)

snowmew [G1 14BO
Abyssinian] (#63212)

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Posted on
2022-12-26 17:02:43
GMO cows only increase the chance of ANY mutation occurring in the litter. it does NOT increase the chance of the tigon passing her mutation. the only item that DOES affect pass rate is a buffalo scrotum, as there is a 5% chance (10% if first gen) that a tigons mutation will pass. this means the greater number of cubs, the better chance one will be a hybrid.
you can breed with absolutely anything. hybrids roll first in the mutation order as you can see:
Leopon / Overgrown Fur / Tigon ➜ Patches/Piebald ➜ GMO Cow/Lion Meat ➜ Cotton Root Bark ➜ Fertility/Natural Chance ➜ Lion Scrotum ➜ Primal ➜ Dorsal Fur ➜ Tigon Boost (2018) ➜ Mukombero ➜ Dorsal Fur Guarantee (May Challenge)

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Edited on 26/12/22 @ 17:04:54 by snowmew [G1 3xRos SSR 10BO] (#63212)

Luna(G3 11x bo) (#238538)

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Posted on
2022-12-27 10:53:58
Thank you!

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☁︎ They/Them ]-* (#349301)

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Posted on
2022-12-26 16:54:24
GMO Cows increase the chance of passing a mutation onto the next litter

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