Posted by Gems

Ascop ☆ Patches
queen • (#281096)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2022-12-27 01:01:54
I have over 700 gems and I don't know what to do with them, I will sell them at a price of 1 gem for 100 sb, if you would like to do an item for a bulk amount, please DM me, I do not want common decor, I have too much of it, sorry. If you have a dust, I would gladly give 50 gems for a dust as I need them! If you have these decor and want gems, name your price, charred branches, charred tree, charred rocks, intense blood eye applicator, and lab test frog. That's pretty much it for now.

Amount of gems sold: 0
Gb: 0
Sb: 0
Items: N/A

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Edited on 27/12/22 @ 01:04:30 by Nope (#281096)

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