I generally have no end goal here I just want to START tracking my crb projects, Iβve done about 200 untracked crbs, nothing too special. Iβve never gotten a hybrid or a lethal from any of my crbs. I decided for the new year I will start this mini project with myself.
Please note I will also track non-crb related mutations if they are in my crb batches. I will do this separately so if anyone wishes to take in data of crb projects this will make things much easier. I also track my litter rates, tracking how many of each I get per batch. Unfortunately I will put myself through the torture of amp checking all, please note my Timezone is different from lioden, so Iβm on a different Day. Makes this very confusing when labelling batches
856/??? CRBS DONE
Total list
(for people who donβt wanna look through it all)
UPDATED LAST ON BATCH 9 (excluding all unknown amps)
Total CRBS = 856
Total CRB-inflicted mutations = 190
Total king-inflicted mutations = 72
Total other(rosettes/special bases) =73
Total cubs = 1415
Total 1 cub litters = 424
Total 2 cub litters = 351
Total 3 cub litters = 63
Total 4 cub litters = 18
Achromia = 28
Blind = 7
Bobbed tail = 28
Clawless = 8 Cleft Palate = 0 Conjoined cubs = 0 Cyclopia = 0 Dwarfism = 0 Deaf = 0
Eyeless = 0 Extra Limbs = 0
Folded ears = 28 Harlequin Ichtyosis = 0 Lipomatosis = 0 Two heads = 0 Sirenomelia = 0
Melanism = 3
Maneless = 0
Overgrown tongue = 7
Overgrown teeth = 7
Overgrown claws = 4
Polycaudal = 4
Tailless = 3
Toothless = 0 First Generation Leopon = 0 First Generation Tigon = 0 Double uterus = 0
Mane feathery = 3
Mane fluffy = 10
Mane frizzy = 3
Mane fuzzy = 1
Mane imperial = 4
Mane ruffled = 5
Mane scruffy = 1
Mane shaggy = 2
Mane silky = 22
Mane villous = 3
Mane whiskered = 17
βββββββββββββ Total cub count: 163 Total crb mutation count: 16 Total king mutation count: 11 Total other count: 8
+ BATCH 3 +
105 crbs 18th Jan - 23rd jan
18/1/23 - bred then crbed
20/1/23 - bred
21/1/23 - bred (missed some)
23/1/23 - birthed
βββββββββββββ MAINS RESULTS: Total lioness bred: 105 Total Cub amount: 171 1 cub litters:50 2 cub litters: 43 3 cub litters: 8 4 cub litters: 4 CRB related Mutations:
3x Achromia
8x Female amp
- Mane Fluffy
- Mane Silky
- Mane Fluffy
- Mane Silky
- Mane Silky
- Mane Whiskered
- Mane Shaggy
- Mane Fluffy
4x folded ears
4x bobbed tail
3x blind
1x overgrown tounge
King related Mutations:
2x ferus
4x primal
3x primal fang
1x felis
6x Briar rosette
3x NHR
1x ginger soft rosette
1x mottled rosette
βββββββββββββ Total cub count: 171 Total crb mutation count: 23 Total king mutation count: 10 Total other count: 11
+ BATCH 4 +
200 crbs 14th March - 19th March
14/3/23 - bred then crbed
16/3/23 - bred
19/3/23 - birthed
βββββββββββββ MAINS RESULTS: Total lioness bred: 132 Total Cub amount:215 1 cub litters: 62 2 cub litters:56 3 cub litters: 7 4 cub litters: 4 CRB related Mutations:
- mane imperial
- mane silky
- mane whiskered
- mane silky
- mane fluffy
- mane whiskered
- mane villous
- mane ruffled
- mane whiskered
- mane villous
- Overgrown teeth
- mane whiskered
- mane frizzy
- overgrown claws
- mane whiskered
- mane silky
- overgrown claws
- mane silky
- overgrown claws
4x clawless
3x foldie
2x overgrown tongue
10x achromia
3x bobbed tail
1x poly
King related Mutations:
3x Primal ferus
4x primal
2x primal fang
1x fiery rosette
1x bone inverted shaded rosette
1x Mottled rosette
5x briar rosette
1x inverted soft rosette white
3x Noctis heavy rosette
2x interstellar
βββββββββββββ SIDES RESULTS: Total lioness bred: 68 Total Cub amount: 120 1 cub litters: 29 2 cub litters: 31 3 cub litters: 7 4 cub litters: 2 CRB related Mutations:
2x overgrown tongue
1x achromia
4x foldie
-mane whiskered
- mane ruffled
- mane whiskered
- mane silky
- mane fluffy
- mane silky
- mane silky
- overgrown teeth
- mane whiskered
- mane whiskered
- mane whiskered
1x bobbed tail
1x tailess
King related Mutations:
3x primal
1x primal fang
3x ferus
1x stimlus
1x white inverted shaded rosette
1x Ebony soft rosette
2x prismatic
βββββββββββββ Total cub count: 335 Total crb mutation count:62 Total king mutation count: 17 Total other count: 18
+ BATCH 5 +
100 crbs 21th March - 27th March
21/3/23 - bred then crbed
25/3/23 - bred
27/3/23 - birthed
βββββββββββββ MAINS RESULTS: Total lioness bred: 100 Total Cub amount: 167 1 cub litters: 46 2 cub litters: 43 3 cub litters: 9 4 cub litters: 1 CRB related Mutations:
2x folded ears
3x bobbed tail
1x achromia
15x female amps
- Mane whiskered
- mane frizzy
- mane whiskered
- mane silky
- mane silky
- mane shaggy
- mane fluffy
- mane imperial
- overgrown teeth
- mane silky
- mane fluffy
- mane silky
- mane silky
- mane imperial
- mane silky
King related Mutations:
3x ferus
1x felis
2x primal
2x primal fang
1x interstellar
2x briar rosette
1x mottled rosette
βββββββββββββ Total cub count: 167 Total crb mutation count: 23 Total king mutation count:8 Total other count: 4
+ BATCH 6 +
100 crbs 1st may - 6th may
1/5/23 - bred then crbed
3/5/23 - bred
6/5/23 - birthed
βββββββββββββ MAINS RESULTS: Total lioness bred: 100 Total Cub amount: 161 1 cub litters: 49 2 cub litters: 42 3 cub litters: 8 4 cub litters: 1 CRB related Mutations:
5x Female amp
- mane silky
- mane fuzzy
- overgrown teeth
- mane ruffled
- mane frizzy
3x folded ears
6x bobbed tail
5x achromia
1x tailless
1x blind
1x overgrown tongue
King related Mutations:
2x felis
4x primal
3x primal fang
2x ferus
5x Noctis heavy rosette
5x briar rosette
1x mottled rosette
1x Inverted cream rosette
1x doubloon heavy rosette
βββββββββββββ Total cub count: 161 Total crb mutation count: 22 Total king mutation count: 11 Total other count: 13
1x mottled rosette
βββββββββββββ Total cub count: 48 Total crb mutation count: 6 Total king mutation count: 1 Total other count: 1
+ BATCH 8+
20 crbs 23rd may- 29th may ???
23/5/23 - bred then crbed
26/5/23 - bred 14 (breeding at different times cause somebody told me they felt 14 was a lucky number in that time.
27/5/23 - bred 6
28-29/5/23 - birthed
βββββββββββββ MAINS RESULTS: Total lioness bred: 20 Total Cub amount: 35 1 cub litters: 9 2 cub litters: 8 3 cub litters: 2 4 cub litters: 1 CRB related Mutations:
2x bobbed tail
1x clawless
2x achromia
3x folded ears
1x female amp
- mane ruffled
1x melanism King related Mutations:
2x primal
1x mottled rosette
βββββββββββββ Total cub count: 35 Total crb mutation count: 9 Total king mutation count: 2 Total other count: 1
+ BATCH 9+
60 crbs 29rd may- 3rd June
29/5/23 - bred then crbed
1/6/23 - bred
3/6/23 - birthed
βββββββββββββ MAINS RESULTS: Total lioness bred: 60 Total Cub amount: 97 1 cub litters: 30 2 cub litters: 25 3 cub litters: 4 4 cub litters: 1 CRB related Mutations:
4x female amp
- mane whiskered
- mane whiskered
- mane silky
- mane silky
1x achromia
2x polycaudal
2x blind
3x folded ears
King related Mutations:
2x ferus
2x primal
3x noctis heavy rosette
1x briar rosette
βββββββββββββ Total cub count: 97 Total crb mutation count: 12 Total king mutation count: 4 Total other count: 4
WHENS THE NEXT CRB BATCH?NEVERβ¦.. on this forum! My new 2024 forum is linked above!
?/?/23 - bred then crbed
?/?/23 - bred
?/?/23 - birthed
- all in different batches of 10,5,8,33
βββββββββββββ MAINS RESULTS: Total lioness bred:56 Total Cub amount: 85 1 cub litters: 33 2 cub litters:18 3 cub litters:4 4 cub litters:1 CRB related Mutations:
1x clawless
1x Tailless
2x foldies
1x achromia
7x Female amps
- mane fluffy
- mane silky
- mane villous
- mane whiskered
- mane silky
- mane feathery
- mane ruffled King related Mutations:
1x primal
1x interstellar
4x noctis heavy rosette
βββββββββββββ Total cub count:85 Total crb mutation count:13 Total king mutation count:1 Total other count:5
X/x/23 - bred then crbed
X/x/23 - bred
X/x/23 - birthed
βββββββββββββ MAINS RESULTS: Total lioness bred: Total Cub amount: 1 cub litters: 2 cub litters: 3 cub litters: 4 cub litters: CRB related Mutations: King related Mutations: Other:
βββββββββββββ Total cub count: Total crb mutation count: Total king mutation count: Total other count:
Results have been documented! Nothing too crazy this round but itβs only the start. Next crb batch has a date to it, although things may change! Let me know how many crbs I should do next
Itβs official! Next crb batch will be on the 16th of jan, it will be another 100 crbs! All on my main account who will have a new g2 ferus king! Batch will be bred on the 16th! Hope you all are excited cause I am!