Posted by The community

Tits or Ass? (#249888)

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2022-12-31 00:19:01
Hello! I'm Persaqueer 😉 and I've been playing Lioden for just over a year, and the things I've seen are amazing. I would just like to list a few and have some people share nice things that have happened to them!
The praise of new lions, ideas, decor, customization and even accidental misinformation corrections is abundant.
Random gifts to people talking about missing for example; a few rainbow stones, and minutes later receiving enough to craft what they wanted.
I was given out of the blue an AMP with rosette markings as the owner was feeling generous. They didn't even send a message, and I checked if it was an accident, (it wasn't)
When I was newer and making bad decisions, (mostly breeding related) I had so many people give me breeding items and sweet, kind tips.
People in chat are so kind and if someone isn't they are shut down immediately.
The chat box is rarely full of wrong messages or Mod warnings
The whole community is overall an amazing experience and I wish I knew about it sooner as it is honestly the best game I've ever played.
I am a queer She/they pronoun using person and even with the thousands of players on this gameI have been shamed, yelled at or had hate sent to me as I usually do on many other games.

Anyway this is a few lovely things I could think of, please feel free to comment your experiences and sweet moments on this game xx.

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