Posted by Clean Leopon with all Heats left and Multiple BOs!

FlamimgHotTakis (#325224)

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Posted on
2023-01-03 12:14:43
Hello! as you probably saw I am trying to sell a leopon, she’s a 2yrs old and she’s CLEAN
Has Breed only: I applicated:
-eyes. -Favor of Anubis app(velvet base)
-mane color

What I am looking for?
-clean tigons/leopons,max age: 3years
-Pure GB
-breeding items
-Lethals(if you’re offering lethals you have to add a mix of the above stuff,or Pure GB)
-Rare applicators, no November or common apps.
-lions with combo bases(the same as lethals,with adds)

What I am NOT looking for:
-a bunch of lions(5+lions)
-plain lions(NCLs,lions with less than 5 markings,basic muties like; bobbed tail,Maneless,OG teeth,etc)
-and of course…JUNK!

Link to the Leopon:

(*note: DO NOT PM the account the leopon is because it’s frozen, but you can PM me here*)
Offer down this thread, and have fun ^^


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