Posted by Battle Beetles event currency

Somebody (#368859)

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Posted on
2023-01-07 15:01:58
At the moment, I feel the the battle beetle option is pretty useless and pointless. Other than some of the beetles being craftable which I actually really love! And wish more beetles were decor ingredients (but that's not my suggestion here)

I think if there was a small chance of earning event currently, even if it wasn't for the current event, more people would get into battling their beetles.

- edit: just realised I posted this in the wrong area and not sure how to change it! Maybe as another suggestion, putting a submit button next to preview and edit so I can put my post where it belongs?

This suggestion has 2 supports and 7 NO supports.

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Edited on 07/01/23 @ 15:05:50 by Shapoopoo (#368859)

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