Posted by New personal breeding project~horse themed

Renata's side (#294725)

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Posted on
2023-01-08 06:58:03
New breeding personal project

Horse coat colours project:
Start with a black or red lion and a red or black lioness.
Black & Red, Red & Black=
(2nd Gen)
Bay (brown and red with black points, legs & tail).
Chestnut (light or dark red no black points).
(Black points, stocking, socks allowed. White star, stripes, socks, stockings allowed)
3rd generation:
Dapple Grey ~grey with white spots or dapple.
Flea-bitten Grey~white with grey spots or freckles).
Buckskin~yellow and gray with dark points (mane, legs and tail).
Dun~yellow&grey, red and Dorsal stripe.
Palominoes~golden with white mane & tails.
Brown~brown and brown mane & tail~Chocolate~no black points, white socks allowed.
Sorrel~yollow and red with blond mane & tail.
Liver Chestnut~a very dark chestnut color with reddish manes and tail.
White~a true white horse has a white coat with pink skin and brown or blue eyes.
Grullo~dun coloring laid over black. The coat is a light mousy color mixed with dark points and sometimes a dorsal stripe.

2nd or 3rd generation~one parent has to be a true white.
Perlinos/Cremellos~have very pale coats (usually cream or champagne) with amber or blue eyes.

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Edited on 22/01/23 @ 06:07:26 by Renata's side (#294725)

Renata's side (#294725)

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Posted on
2023-01-08 07:27:48
Roan (Blue, Strawberry)~A blue, red, or strawberry roan has a dark coat with individual white hairs interspersed throughout. Blue = white with black, red = white with brown, and strawberry = white with red.
Paint Coat Patterns
Distinguished by one blue eye, overos have white markings on their heads, legs, and underbellies.
A solid-colored head (sometimes with markings), with some white on their legs and over their backs. They usually have multicolored manes/tails.
A tovero is a cross between an overo and a tobiano. They have more white on their faces and chests and, like overos, can have blue eyes.
A type of overo, a sabino paint is solid in color and has at least two white feet. They also have white splashes on their flanks and a white blaze.
A type of overo, splash paints have white heads, blue eyes, and white markings on their legs and underbellies. Their backs are usually solid in color.

Appaloosa Coat Patterns
An Appaloosa coat pattern is distinct, with a base color mixed with a white spotting pattern (usually on the haunches).

A blanket Appaloosa is white with spots over the hips paired with a different (contrasting) base color (for example, white and black).

A snowcap is almost identical to a blanket, but the white over the hips/haunches is pure white (no spotting).

A leopard Appaloosa has a white coat with lots of black or brown dots speckled throughout (almost like polka dots).

A frosted Appaloosa is a cross between a roan and an appaloosa, with a solid-ish colored neck and chest and a roan-like pattern on the stomach and haunches.

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Renata's side (#294725)

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Posted on
2023-01-22 05:05:04
Hard Mode 2nd project
King: Aiden Crisanto Gryffindor
A cub of his lineage has to become king.
His daughter(s) will continue his lineage until it's time for one of their cubs to become king.
Next Starter Rolled king:
Hard mode cave version
First NCL claimed=Queen.
The first 5 next will be hunters.
At king's level 5=Recruitment day, one NCL allowed to successfully claim and has to be broodmother.
If a hunting party fails 3-4 times per day, random number for one of 5 lionesses in the hunting party has to be chased and teplaced. Exception if number generated points to the Queen.
All pregnant lionesses have to be nested, if one or more are not they will lose their litter and be chased. Exception for the Queen.
Cubs can be protected and must reach at least 50% in training in order to be worthy to stay in the pride. For the Queen's cubs they must be protected and if a cub fails 2-3 times in training then that cub must be chased or abandoned.

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Edited on 29/04/23 @ 08:14:42 by Renata's side (#294725)

Renata's side (#294725)

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Posted on
2023-01-22 05:56:39
Future=this year or next year?
Next Started Rolled king this challenge will begin
Formidable mode
Full pride version.
Chase or sell or transfer them to my main for any lions left to be able to start from scratch.
Clear out my hoard either discarding or donating to clans.
(Clans's raffles if I win a lion or lioness during this challenge, if I don't want to keep him or her~I will send him/her back for another to win. If I do want to keep her I must transfer her to my main.
start preparations rules:
1: I can successfully claim 2 NCL-a battle between them to decide who becomes Queen. Queen must be hunter or broodmother and cannot switch roles until her death or retirement.
For territory need to donate to the Giving Tree the equivalent of the # of territories I want to expand.
2: If queen is expecting cubs after her first heat then recruitment day has to be skipped and the king and the single huntress must be able to provide.
2a If queen's first heat is missed then it can be recruitment day and the king can search for 4 lionesses to help the lead huntress. First 4 successfully claimed lioness to be found. Can be from exploring or from the trading centre (must be lionesses or young cubs or adols with more than 2 markings, can be inbred or not inbred).
3: All pregnant lionesses must be nested. When born only the queen's cubs must be protected by a broodmother. If 4 cubs or more in a litter from the queen once weaned, only those strong enough to reach 75% in training will be allowed to stay in the pride. All the other lionesses cubs mustn't be protected although amusement items and food carcasses can be used for them if their mood and hunger are low. Otherwise it's a random chance of survival each daily Rollover. Once weaned they must reach at least 50% in training to be accepted as a permanent member.
4: If hunting party fails 3 times per day, number generated has to decide which of the team members have to be replaced. Exception if the Queen has the hunter role and the # generated points to her. 2 chances maximum for the Queen and after tge 2nd chance she must be challenged or usurped so therefore chased or retired.
5: Pride can feed and play twice(?) per day and any leftovers some can be saved but the rest have to be sold or donated.
6: If king reaches level 6 can explore for another 4-5 lionesses. Also can search for an adult submale.
7:If king reaches level 8-10 can search for a male cub, adol or adult.

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Edited on 22/01/23 @ 06:01:56 by Renata's side (#294725)

Renata's side (#294725)

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Posted on
2023-01-22 06:00:48
Cotton Rootbark project maybe May 2023
Red cock maybe if I can find a few.
12 NCL maximum will be continuously given CRB until retirement or too old to breed.

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Renata's side (#294725)

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Posted on
2023-01-22 06:06:17
Horse coat breeding project
Black group lioness x red group male/stud=
Red group lioness x black group male/stud=
Cub 1:
Cub :
(Cubs must be Black, Grey, Bay (brown and red with black points, legs & tail markings), Chestnut (light or dark red no black points markings allowed),
(In general Black points, stocking, socks allowed. White star, stripes, socks, stockings allowed)

3rd generation

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Edited on 22/01/23 @ 06:14:27 by Renata's side (#294725)

Renata's side (#294725)

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Posted on
2023-02-07 07:48:37
Future side project:
Breed a lion cub with all the Feline markings.
For example something like this: Feline 1 Auburn, Feline 2 Black, Feline 3 Fiery, Feline 4 Ginger, Feline 5 Onyx, Feline 6 Elysian, Feline 7 Maroon.

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Renata's side (#294725)

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Posted on
2023-03-25 14:35:57
September 2023 or Feb 2024
Coton Root barked lioness or use Grain of Paradise or the Buffalo Scrotum.
Lionesses which will have Cotton Root Bark on them~6 or 8 (lionesses crb'd may vary).
Lioness with Grain of Paradise or the Buffalo Scrotum used. Maybe 10 but 12 maximum. (Again may vary).

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Renata's side (#294725)

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Posted on
2023-04-01 11:37:13
Hard mode lineage starting with these lionesses:
A few must be NCL and bred to Aiden Crisanto Gryffindor:
Queen NCL:
pretty Ncl:
Mother of his grand cub(s):
Unrelated lionesses:

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Edited on 29/04/23 @ 08:18:18 by Renata's side (#294725)

Renata's side (#294725)

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Posted on
2023-04-29 08:10:12
Hard Mode
King: Rian Feanor

1. Newly Claimed Lioness:
2. Newly Claimed Lioness:
3. Newly Claimed Lioness:
4. Newly Claimed Lioness:
5. Newly Claimed Lioness:

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Edited on 02/07/23 @ 12:53:10 by Renata's side (#294725)

Renata's side (#294725)

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Posted on
2023-04-30 08:51:23
Breeding for a Wenet lookalike:
Need a cubs born with:
Onyx Base, Glass eyes.
Coral Underfelt,
Coral Underfur,
Copal Back Hair,
Coral Half,
Onyx Carving,
Onyx Cozy,
Copal Coat,
Onyx Ear Backs,
White Venter,
Onyx Patch

Breed a few cubs with randomized Wenet Cousin markings.
Required Wenet Cousin markings~see lioden Wiki. Any 10 of those
Require Wenet Cousin base:

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