Posted by Empty Slot vs Filled Slot Inheritance Question

AL | G1 Jelly Albino (#396249)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-01-08 18:43:10
Hi there!

I was wondering if it'd be possible to confirm whether having an empty slot on a lioness increases the chance of a cub inheriting the stud's marking?

As an example, would either of these cubs have a greater chance of inheriting Leonid Smoke?

Case 1
Stud Slot 1: Leonid Smoke (100%)
Lioness Slot 1: No Marking

Case 2
Stud Slot 1: Leonid Smoke (100%)
Lioness Slot 1: Stratosphere Undertone (100%)

In this forum post (, admins confirmed this about marking inheritance:

"When breeding markings, there is a 75% chance of a marking passing if both parents have a matching marking in the same slot, otherwise 50% chance of a marking passing."

So in case 1, does Leonid Smoke have a 50% chance of passing to a cub vs case 2 where there would be a 25% chance of it passing? Or is it only 25% chance in both cases?

If case 1 has a greater chance of passing the wanted marking on, I could imagine it would make buying marking removers worth it for some projects.

Thank you so much for the clarification!

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Edited on 08/01/23 @ 18:47:36 by AL (#396249)

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AL | G1 Jelly Albino (#396249)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-01-08 20:38:43
Oh hey Angela! Thanks for your reply, I actually linked that same thread in my post!

I'm not wondering about how opacity affects inheritances, just whether or not having an empty slot on the Lioness or stud vs. their partner having a marking in that slot will affect inheritance!

ie. If I want a marking from a certain slot on my king to pass more readily, would I have better chances to do so if I remove any other marking from that slot on lionesses he is bred to?

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Edited on 08/01/23 @ 20:44:24 by AL (#396249)

AL | G1 Jelly Albino (#396249)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-02-10 23:40:59
For anyone looking this up in the future, it's easier to pass a specific mark if one lion has the mark and the other has an empty slot. Verified by running hundreds of scrying stone runs for various tests! I've heard that some marks pass more rarely, so please note that I can only verify the below to be true for leonid and stratosphere marks at the time of writing.

The general percentages ended up being like this:

75% chance to pass if both parents shared the mark in that slot.

50% chance to pass that specific mark if one parent had in the slot and the other had a matching empty slot.

25% chance to pass either mark if both parents had differing marks in that slot.

Opacity did not affect pass rates, even 1% opacity was able to pass with around the same rates as above.

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Edited on 10/02/23 @ 23:41:45 by AL (#396249)

AL | G1 Jelly Albino (#396249)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-02-11 13:44:46
Ah yes! I really shouldn't have mentioned opacity at all in my post, I was never wondering about that.

I have read that post many times, but I never saw a bit that mentioned that your chances of passing a specific marking were halved if both parents have different marks in the one slot. I appreciate your help anyways, thanks!

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Edited on 11/02/23 @ 13:45:29 by AL (#396249)

Angela |Skyward
Queen| (#77401)

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Posted on
2023-02-11 07:35:58
Hey they list how inheritance works depending on which markings are filled in that board - opacity no longer affects passing, that was the point. Might give it a read!

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Angela |Skyward
Queen| (#77401)

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Posted on
2023-01-08 18:52:14

Here's the entire "how it works" from the lioden staff on opacities and marking passes.

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