Posted by My Trade info: Bargains and more!

👻PhantomBrat👻 (#411578)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2023-01-08 20:52:19
I prefer to feed my lions early in the day and don't want to waste extra food. I list food in lots of 10x items for 425sb daily until I don't have enough to make a complete 10x item lot.

Any and ALL boosters I come across, I am not using as I prefer a challenge to level up my lions without them. These are automatically listed at up to ½ of current Trade asking price.

Applicators are definitely not wanted and will be listed I get them. These are currently listed at approximately ⅓off regular Trade asking price.

Decor and amusement items will be listed in lots of 10x items eventually. Looking into current prices.

Please note that I am more than happy to take requests to break up any lot with the exception of food and amusement items. But to do that, I ask that you pay the price for breaking a lot listed in ().

I do accept permanent/semipermanent requests for a set price and will be more than happy to keep it going until informed otherwise.

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Edited on 08/01/23 @ 20:53:11 by PhantomBrat (#411578)

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