Posted by How does color factor in to breeding?
G1 Scoundrel Piebald (#393101)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-01-09 23:11:05
How does beetle color work when breeding? Can you get rare colors by chance when breeding two parents of common color??
Specifically talking about empusa Fasciata. I have a bunch of common colors and am wondering if I can get cool colors by chance. I've gotten different colors from the parents of other beetles but wasn't sure if it can create anything rare/uncommon.

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Paolumu (#410617)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-01-19 11:32:37
The colour of the beetles you have is taken into account when breeding just like when you breed lions. It's likely to have larva that have the same colour of their parent beetles but it is possible for a larva to be a different colour.

The rarer the colour, the less of a chance for this to happen however.
Common > Uncommon > Rare

So if you're breeding two common coloured beetles you'll probably end up with most of (if not all) of the larva being common colours but there is a chance they could produce an uncommon and a very low chance that a rare will be produced

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