Polaris *G2 x3 ros
tovero* (#233247)

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Posted on
2023-01-10 06:22:09


Ice x divine = elysian
ice x ebony = elysian
Breeding Factor A x Factor B, Combo x Factor A/B, and Combo x Combo all have the same chances to produce a combo-based cub. You do not receive a combo base buff for breeding Combo x Combo; along the same lines, you do not have less of a chance to produce a combo when breeding Factor A x Factor B. For example, Ebony x Ivory can produce the Soul base. You have the same chance to produce Soul whether you are breeding Ebony x Ivory, Soul x Ebony/Ivory, or Soul x Soul.

Hematite x Moonstone x opal = glass
ANubis x bast x seth OR roose gold x sphinx = gilded
citrtine x festive x teardrop OR glass x haloitis x labradorite = hexaplex
ukame x ashen x dusty x haze = majivu (CAN ONLY BE BRED AT WEST SEASON NIGHT TIME)
arctic x anjeer x blazing x inferno x prune = pulsar
unholy x bast x sunset = temporal (can only be bred in october)

Ennead = Ankh x Incense x Mummy
Ogdad = inpu x sukteh x ubaste


Fertility determines how easy or difficult it will be for your lioness to get pregnant when she is bred. It is a chance or a likelihood. This means that you (or the stud you are using) may have to breed with a lioness multiple times before she gets pregnant. A successful breeding could take five attempts, or it could take five hundred—it all depends on her fertility (as well as that blasted RNG!). Fertility also slightly correlates to how "healthy" your lioness's genes are. Although mutations can naturally occur from mothers at all fertility levels, the lower your lioness's fertility, the higher her chance of naturally producing a mutation is.

All lions, regardless of whether they are male or female, are born with a fertility level. This fertility level does not affect males whatsoever, and only starts to affect females once they are adults and are in heat. If you sex change a male lion into a female lion, they will retain their fertility level.

Fertility is genetic and is passed down entirely through a mother lioness to her cubs. A lioness's cubs will inherit her fertility level within a small range of her fertility percentage at the time of the cub's conception.

For example, let's say you have a lioness that is naturally a Very Low (1%) fertility lioness. You give her five Chasteberries and boost her up to Low (51%). She produces three cubs: a Low (56%), a Very Low (45%), and a Very Low (48%). Their fertilities are all similar to their mother's boosted fertility at the time of their conception. If you were to naturally breed a lioness without any fertility boosting or lowering items, the cubs would inherit her natural fertility level within a set range.

A lioness's fertility level does not affect how many cubs are produced in each litter. It only affects how easy or difficult it is for her to get pregnant, her natural chance of producing a mutation without using any items, and what her cubs' fertility levels will be.

Just like Patches and Piebalds, Primal mutations are visible straight from birth. There may not be as many variants for Primal as there are for Patches and Piebald, but there are so many intricacies when it comes to Primal breeding.

he amount of cubs generated in a litter for the average lioness ranges from one to four! One to two cubs is the most common amount, with three being more uncommon, and four being the rarest amount. If your lioness has the Double Uterus mutation, she can give birth to litters of two, four, six, or even eight cubs at once!

Give to a pregnant lioness in order to terminate her current litter and increase her chance of producing mutated offspring in her next immediate litter. This item also increases the chance that the lioness will produce a lethal mutation. Using multiple Cotton Root Barks in a row is pointless, as the mutation chance boost does not stack.
* Purchase from the Oasis for 1 GB.

Give to a lioness before breeding in order to highly increase her chance of producing mutated offspring in her immediate litter.
* Purchase from the Prophet Shop for 150 JB.
* Potential bonus item when buying $100 worth of GB in one transaction during the Black Friday sale.

Give to a lioness before breeding in order to moderately increase her chance of producing mutated offspring in her immediate litter.
* Potential reward from completing the "Claim 50 Lionesses" quest.
* Purchase from the Carrion Shop for 2000 SB.
* Purchase from The Boneyard for 100 LB.
* Rare drop from winning a battle against a January event NPC.
* Purchase from the Gorilla Enclave for 300 MT.
* Purchase as a Referral Reward for 10 RP.
* Jackpot Reward from Slots.
* Potential bonus item when buying $100 worth of GB in one transaction during the Black Friday sale.

Give to a non-mutated lioness before breeding in order to guarantee she will produce one Primal (Ferus) cub in her immediate litter.
* Guaranteed drop from a very rare encounter during March's event.
* Potential bonus item when buying $100 worth of GB in one transaction during the Black Friday sale.

Give to a stud with the Primal, Primal (Felis), Primal (Ferus), or Primal (Smilus) mutations before breeding to boost the chances that a Primal variation will be produced in their immediate litter. If given to a Primal (Ferus) stud before he breeds to a Primal (Ferus) lioness, the chance of a Primal (Ferus) cub being produced is boosted.
* Purchase from the Oasis for 1 GB.

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Edited on 10/01/23 @ 06:34:59 by Unknown (onlline) (#233247)

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