Posted by The Deer Of Eares MAIN GUIDE

J3llyfish (#212292)

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Posted on
2023-01-13 14:27:01

     PM ME IF:

                                               ~You have a new breed of deer you want to introduce

                                               ~You have questions.

                                               ~You want to create a peryton pack/Earth deer herd



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Edited on 14/01/23 @ 11:48:59 by J3llyfish (#212292)

J3llyfish (#212292)

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Posted on
2023-01-13 14:27:46

A carnivorous animal that can look like any type of deer, to a great moose to a tiny pudo deer, yet it has wings and the hindquarters of a large bird. They have very big jaws and sharp teeth that are only revealed if they open them fully. It has a shadow of a human until it kills one in its lifetime. It has the intelligence of a human and are intelligent, patient, and cunning, although usually have bad tempers. They are very proud and barely talk about their kind or themselves. 

Powers: Human speech, human intelligence, flying, super strong. 

Diet: Their diet consists of big animals such as cows, buffalo, and sometimes even big fish! 

Extra: Usually are in a herd of regular deer, leading them. Have about 3-6 cubs per litter. Can carry young by their mouths like other animals. LOOK PERYTONS UP FOR MORE INFO

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Edited on 26/01/23 @ 22:15:39 by J3llyfish (#212292)

J3llyfish (#212292)

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Posted on
2023-01-13 14:28:21

a breed of deer that grows nature things on themselves, commonly vegetation, but sometimes types of rocks or crystals. They can be any color and usually look similar to white-tail deer (But it can vary) The deer with rocks or crystals are usually big so they support the load, so crystal Deer that are small and petite usually don't survive long. deer that grow vegetation can eat the plants growing on them and don't like to share them with other deer (their offspring is an exception) rarely sharing with others. They can control and manipulate the rock/crystal/plant they possess, but they can't control how long it takes to grow the things on themselves.

Powers: Manipulating the rock/crystal/plant they possess. (Ex. A deer who grows vines can manipulate the vines on themselves to where they move and vines that are around them) Crystal deer have the spiritual abilities that their crystals possess. (Ex. Rose quartz deer can easily attract partners and love) all rock/crystal/plant deer can use their power to protect themselves, rock and crystal deer being the strongest.

Diet: They eat what regular deer do, but can also eat the vegetation that grow on them. 

Extra: Earth deer foals are not born with their rock/crystal/plants, but they grow rather quickly so they can camouflage better. Earth deer still have their abilities during winter, so they still have a food source, but the plants grow much slower. Have about 1-2 deer per litter (twins are rare and dangerous for the pregnant doe)

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J3llyfish (#212292)

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Posted on
2023-01-13 14:28:50

A mix of perytons and earth deer, they are quite common and usually have all the physical features of a peryton. Although, once they are born, they can grow earth deer features so they can camouflage, but they are fake and not edible. Once they hit adolescent age their fake earth deer features fall off. By then, they are recognized as full Peryton. It's extremely rare for them to keep their fake features, or even for those features to be real

Powers: look back at perytons

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Edited on 27/01/23 @ 15:01:44 by J3llyfish (#212292)

J3llyfish (#212292)

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Posted on
2023-01-13 14:29:13

companions are animals that accompany earth deers and perytons, having a spiritual connection to them, they can communicate to eachother (The deer and companion) in their mind and always know where the other is. It is rare to not have a companion. Companion animals include Birds (most common companion, any type of bird), foxes, small cat breeds, mice, snakes (common in perytons) reptiles, rabbits, weasels, and even small monkeys!
You don't need a companion for your deer but you must have a deer. This is for people who get confused when playing more than one character or generally don't like the idea

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Edited on 19/01/23 @ 18:10:08 by J3llyfish (#212292)

J3llyfish (#212292)

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Posted on
2023-01-13 14:29:52
usually consist of 12-15 deer. Usually led by a male with one-three sub-males and the rest female. They are sometimes led by Perytons. 


Patriarch(1)-a male deer that leads and protects the herd, can be challanged and lead by another deer (Or Peryton) 

Sub males(1-3)- help the leader and patrol, expected to lead the herd once the leader is no longer fit and has not been challenged, or they themselves can challenge the leader. 

Members- Female deer that are in the herd. All members are mates to the patriarch (but the patriarch can favor some members over others)

adolescents- used for young female deer, or male deer that are not old enough to be chased off

Expecting mothers- pregnant deer

mothers- deer with fawns

fawns- baby deer

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J3llyfish (#212292)

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Posted on
2023-01-13 14:30:24
Although a peryton pack is not common, they are a family of perytons, like a wolf pack


Alpha male- a father peryton who takes care of the pack.

Alpha female- a mother peryton who takes care of the pack.

Hunters(depends on number of litters)- Offspring of the alphas, choose to stay with them and take care of the pack.

Offspring3-6)- young offspring of the alphas

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J3llyfish (#212292)

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Posted on
2023-01-13 14:30:35
PREDATORS: Being deer, there are many predators, predators can be a made up species with powers/abilities, or real life animals. Although Perytons are apex predators, their offspring can be threatened. 

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J3llyfish (#212292)

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Posted on
2023-01-13 14:30:48

                                      The animals all know this land as Eares, but in Eares are many biomes

Valley: Consists of many earth deer herds, grassy with alot of hills, quite wide. Not many predators but prone to natural disasters. connected to a forest.

Forest: A thick forest with many predators, although many perytons are also there and earth deer sometimes venture there for shade.

Snowy Mountains: a series of mountains that are not home to many. Snow leopards live there, along with perytons. 

Watering hole: In the middle of all the biomes, all animals come here to chat with strangers and feel safe, carnivores and herbivores alike stand side by side without feeling afraid. 

Abandoned cow farm: an abandoned cow farm with the cows still there. Located in the valley. Many perytons go there for an easy meal. 

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J3llyfish (#212292)

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Posted on
2023-01-13 20:42:56
Example of a peryton:

Art belongs to Yinza on tumblr!

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