Posted by Are Dwarves worth the same as hybrids?
Saturn (#378688)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-01-16 17:42:08
I just recently got a Dwarf, and since February is coming up and I’ll be able to breed more Dwarves, how many would could up to worth of a Tigon or Leopon? (Younger, not frozen)
I’d like to get one one.
(My Dwarf is a really pretty Colorbomb, her cubs should be worth a good bit)

Also to add to that, how much do Dwarf cubs go for generally? If I can’t directly trade for a hybrid I can at least start saving lol

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Erik (#210671)

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Posted on
2023-01-16 17:44:12
Dwarfs sadly don't have much of a demand so it may be quite difficult to trade them for hybrid

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ElderOrca: G2 Ice
Ferus (#25968)

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Posted on
2023-01-16 17:56:51
Hi :) No dwarves are not anywhere near as valuable as hybrids. They are also expensive to breed and so not very profitable. You need to use a lion scrotum for the dwarf mutation to pass, It won't pass without it, Also because the lion scrotum only gives a 25% Chance for each cub to get the mutation, You will ideally need to use a buffalo scrotum as well to increase the litter size to 3 or 4 cubs. Even then there is no guarantee of having any dwarf cubs. The price of a dwarf depends a lot on how long it's heritage is and what base, Markings etc.. It has. They generally sell for around 30 -50GB if they have a long heritage or are dirty (Inbred) They can go for more though if they have a short heritage and are clean. You might be able to get more if it's very low generation ( Less than G5) However with the current cost of Lion and buffalo scrotums, It can cost up to 80GB to breed your dwarf female. My dwarf has given me no dwarf cubs in her last 2 litters and both times i used lion and buffalo scrotums :(

BUT.. All that being said.. They are cute as heck and it's nice having at least 1 in your pride even just as a trophy

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Edited on 16/01/23 @ 18:11:38 by ElderOrca: G2 Ice Ferus (#25968)

Sunrise Surprise [G1
Ennedi] (#98263)

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Posted on
2023-01-16 17:59:54
Clean dwarves are worth more than dirty ones, since dirty ones are pretty widespread. I'd say generally 60-80 GB for a young one is a common price range for them? Take my advice regarding price with a grain of salt though, I'm not a dwarf breeder.

Hybrids, clean or dirty, are worth more than dwarves though. Since dwarves cannot pass their mutation naturally without the use of a lion scrotum, while hybrids can, that makes them more expensive to breed in the long run.

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