Posted by Looking for moss decor!

𓆩gru♡nge𓆪 (#244621)

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Posted on
2023-01-16 21:11:58
I'm currently working on planning and gathering materials for my heir, and I've come to the unfortunate discovery that most decor items such as Mossy Arch, Mossy Hanging Branches- etc, were exclusive to "Whack a snake!" which is no longer a standing mini-game.

I am looking for individuals who have:
- Mossy Hanging Branches
- Mossy Log
- Mossy Arch

To those interested in helping me out name a price and we can discuss from there, if the item is for sale mainly for GB let me know- because I would need to save up and eventually buy it! Think of it more as a you keep it safe for me while I gather the needed payment- of course if anything happens and I am unable to pay, I will contact you so you know reserving the decor is no longer needed.

Feel free to comment, or message me privately if that suits you better!

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