Posted by LF: Triple/Double Rosette Soul

•🌸 (#180043)

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Posted on
2023-01-16 22:55:32

☆ Hello there, welcome to my thread! ☆

Recently, Ive been looking for an heir for my queen, and I finally found what I'll be aiming for!

I am looking for a TRIPLE OR DOUBLE ROSETTE SOUL lion, however there are only a few requirements. Shown below is an EXAMPLE of what I am looking for. Your markings can vary, and if you're unsure, ask!

Wardrobe Link (CLICK)

≻ Requirements:

  • DARK Rosettes, no Briar, Inverted, bushveld, etc... Onxy/Ebony/Noctis or Mottled Rosettes only. (Reply for specification)

  • SOUL base, this is not negotiable as it is the only base I am looking for

  • Nothing too overpriced, I am willing to pay with pure GB or items, but let me know your price range!

The lion I am looking for DOES NOT need to be clean, and I would accept either a lioness that still has at the very least 3 breedings left, or I would pay for reverse studding! (Using a crunchy)
Mane color, other markings, eye color, mane shape/length, skin, etc... DO NOT MATTER- only the requirements listed do.

Forms of Payment I have:

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Edited on 01/04/24 @ 20:36:19 by 🌸•ʜᴇʀᴀ•🌸 (#180043)

ɴᴏ₂🌸 (#182919)

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Posted on
2023-01-17 00:25:42

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