Posted by Snake Game; ''Starting in 3... 2... 1....''
Spirit (#234210)

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2023-01-17 08:05:40
Hello! I'm gonna try making this short.
Recently I've started playing the minigames for the items and currency and I am kind of terrible at it, but I'm practicing!
I have mainly been trying to practice and Snakes (Reptile Roundup) and have noticed something; a lot of the time, when I play in 'hard' setting to get double points, I often get game over before the game has even started due to an obstacle being literally directly in front of my snake, and not having enough time to react to steer the snake away.
I don't know if this is a skill issue or not, and I do know that around half of the time, it is fully my fault for not reacting quickly. But sometimes, when I say 'directly' in front of my snake, I mean DIRECTLY in front of it. Like one 'block' away, and I just simply don't have the time to react.
So even if this is a skill issue on my side, I think it'd make it a little easier to have a countdown when the game starts.
Such as;
You click 'play' and the game starts. Instead of the snake moving directly and running into a wall (this happens too although less close than the obstacles) or obstacle the screen will be frozen and a countdown will start that will prepare you for when it's going to start.
Maybe a message will say 'Starting in...
And then the snake starts moving. It doesn't have to be the number three per say.

Also, for people that would find this annoying and may want to start immediately, they can disable it in settings. People like me that would appreciate a moment to prepare can enable it in settings too.

Thanks in advance! I feel guilty and to be honest kinda scared posting here, but I just thought I'd put it out here :) I'm sorry if this idea has already been done/posted; if it has, I will delete it (if I can) and just give my support to that thread! If I am in the wrong channel, please tell me as well! I doubted between the 'convencience' and 'existing features'.

Thanks again in advance and I hope everyone has a lovely day!

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