Nill (#259465)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2023-01-19 18:47:09
Looking for a ferus stud that meets all of my below requirements! Please only post if they do, thanks!

>> Pink, purple or light blue bases only! Some examples of bases I'd accept are Kunzite, Interstellar, Water Hyacinth, Merlot, and/or Glacial. There's more but you get the gist. I'd prefer no combo base studs either

>> No dark marks! One or two is fine, but it depends for each stud. I'd like colors that are pink, purple, maybe blue. No blacks, browns or oranges.

>> Must be clean! Gen 4 at most

I don't care about stats or how many markings your stud has, the above things are mainly what I'm looking for! If your stud fits, please post them below!

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