Posted by Hazbin's Hub (raffles, clans, studs etc)

Hazbin1011 (#370518)

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Posted on
2023-01-30 18:48:06

Hazzy's Hub

I have made this in order to keep everything of importance in one place, if you have any questions please direct them to DM's, I don't want to need to scroll far each time I bump this. With that being said, have a great day and don't forget to hydrate <3

Important Links

Lions R US General Lion clan, which also has a discord. Runs raffles, giveaways, games, auctions etc

Cult of the Rat For any and all who love rats, only rule is you need to be over 16, and not intent on causing drama with la head rat or anyone for that ratter

My Kings:
Main - G4 Piebald (Overo) with flint base flint base for mudstone, and elysian breeding

Side - G6 Patches (Torn) with Ice base with ice base for combo breeding

HTML commissions I can make clan pages, stud ads and more, just follow the link to see the thread, and some examples

Mudstone Piebald (Overo) Project If you wish to support this project please follow the thread and give it a read

Auction House Not open yet, will open in February

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