Posted by high stake gifting
niko (#242996)

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Posted on
2023-01-31 06:44:24
i have seen others do this and i decided to make my own high stake gifting thread! the rules are simple

1. have an easy, medium and hard section on your list
2. surprises unless the player says none
3. no sandwich playing
4. max gb on easy is 5 gb, max on med is 7 gb, hard can be any amount of gb
5. no mini modding!!!
6. stick to peoples list and do not gift junk if they allow surprises
7. min gift is 3 gb worth or 3gb if the forum stops for more than 2 hours.
8. do not post your list until you've gifted the person above you
9. NO begging

DM me for mod application!

1.NIKO #242996

my list:
4+ GB
2k SB
breeding items(not lion meat or chaste berry or black stally)
decor non explore

7 gb
4k SB
breeding items(not lion meat or chaste berry or black stally)
decor(non expore)

15 GB
8k SB
breeding items( lion scrot, buffy balls, GMO cow, no lion meat or black stally)

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Edited on 31/01/23 @ 06:56:08 by Niko (#242996)

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