Posted by Hairless lion mutt that can be half lethal

luluso3 (#355455)

Prince of Terror
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Posted on
2023-02-06 10:50:34
Hello! this is my idea for a hairless cat like lion mutation!

This mutation will kinda be like a lethal mutation and in order for your newly born cub to survive until adolescence since they have no hair and they are cubs they can freeze to death, you will need to feed them so they can have body warmth, play with them to keep the blood flowing and warm, and they MUST be protected or they will freeze.

Now you must be wondering how will markings and bases work?

Easy they will have normal bases and markings as usual they will just less vibrant! for example when you shave a leopard or dalmatian they still have the markings its just not as bright and vibrant as before!


Shaved dalmatian

Shaved leopard

In those examples you can see how much less vibrant there base and markings are.

The male hairless lion will look the same but both male and the female lioness will not have any tail fur, ear fur, underbelly fur, under neck fur.And the lions will have flabby skin like the lipomatosis lethal

Female example

Male example

Also since the lions are hairless they will be weaker during colder times like fall and winter there for problematic pregnancys and less successful hunts! Although during spring and summer they are stronger more cubs during pregnancy (3-4 cubs in warmer climates in more common chances in warm climates) and higher successful rate in hunts!

This mutation can be passed down but have a very small chance and this mutation will be very rare and hard to get because it will be a MOD like panda and primal. and the chances of passing down this mutation will be same as a dwarf or a little bit more higher percentage. and it can also be breed randomly with out trying for one!

if you do happen to breed a hairless this achievement will pop up "something is wrong a very flabby skin cub was born keep it warm so it can live!"

Those are pretty much all of my ideas for a hairless cat i just really find them cute and would love to have them in the game! And id love to hear anyone elses ideas or thoughts!

This suggestion has 3 supports and 10 NO supports.

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snowmew [G1 14BO
Abyssinian] (#63212)

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Posted on
2023-02-06 10:52:34
hairless lions are a mutation that is already confirmed and being worked on. it has no in game effects

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