Posted by Decorating Lions!

!Hiycrus!-(PM me the
word pie) (#410667)

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Posted on
2023-02-11 09:51:34
Hihi! Welcome, I’m Hiycrus and this is a Lion Decor Forum. I want to get some gb for my mass breeding and to donate it to some clans. Thank you so much for taking the time and allowing me to decorate your lions!

1gb per lion!

Other Payments for this Month:
Any Base Apps
Any Marking Apps

Note: I’m 3hrs ahead LD Time (EST). I can’t do custom decor as they do not pop up! I also don’t supply the decor either!

1. Don’t be rude, if I don’t reply I’m busy.
2. Please link your lion, and register them properly
3. Be patient, as I’ve mentioned above it may take me up to an hour to decorate your lion.
4. Please credit my work in your lion's summary.
5. Do not cancel or say you don't want it, it's a 500sb fee for cancellation.

How to Register:
Hi, Yournametag # ID
Name of the Lion: (Lion link)
Apperance: Male, Adolescent
Vibe or Colors: Summery, flowers, pink and blue
Specifics: I want him to have gold chains, gold claws, gold earrings, etc.

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Edited on 31/12/23 @ 16:27:54 by !Hiycrus![Main] (#410667)

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