Before you read the rules, I do want say that I don't put up pictures so there will only be links; will put any necessary info underneath though such as mane type, markings, colors, amount, etc. Now onto the actual rules 1π. Do not bid what you do not have
2π. Do not beg, begging results in an immediate block
3π. You get a 2 Auction cool-down; this means you cannot bid for 2 Auctions Periods. The first 2 times you try and bid before this cooldown has ended you will be warned, 3rd time your cool-down will be extended by 4 auctions Periods, 4th time you're blocked.
4π. If you win a bid, you have 2 days to accept the trade otherwise the lion is no longer yours
5π. Do not back out in bids, doing this will result in an Auction Cool-down
6π. I reserve the right to decline a bid, take down a lion whenever I want, etc. The lion is not yours until it is officially transferred to you
7π. Items are accepted, double check if the items you are bidding are accepted.
8π. Do not spam, I will block you if you spam Rules may be updated now and again and more may be added. Please follow any and all rules whether they are old, new, edited or not edited.
Auction Period: This is the period when Auctions are up. Each Auction Period will be specified. There are a max of 3 Auction periods a month, most likely a 3rd Auction Period will be rare. Auction Periods 1 & 2 will always be between the 1st of the month to the 14th of the month and the 21st of the month to the 28th of the month unless said otherwise. Heat Auction: This is when I'm putting up one of my lionesses HEATS; this means the heat is for auction, not the lion. Stud Auction: This is when I'm putting up my Kings stud slots, not the lion. SB: Starting Bid MI: Minimum Increase (the minimum you can bid) AB: Auto-buy CB: Current Bid HM: Hidden Marking
Pricing/Accepted Items
Everything here is determined by the amount it would be in Silver Beetles = 800
Applicators (ALL) = 1000 SB
Sex Changers = 1200 SB
Penny royal = 1200 SB
Instant Cub Delivery = 1800 SB
Aging Stone = 1800 SB
Zebra Heart = 1800 SB
Food Bundle = 100 SB
Toy Bundle = 100 SB
Opal Salt lick = 500 SB
Rock Salt = 200 SB
Safou Fruit = 1000 SB
Dove Feast = 2500 SB
Black Stallion = 2000 SB
Roasted Vulture = 1600 SB
Shamanic Stew = 1600 SB
Lion Meat = 2600 SB
MUT (Mutie On Demand) = 3000 SB