Posted by LF: Buffies OF: Apps + Lions

Akela [G1, 9.16.22
Ripe RLC] (#119137)

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Posted on
2023-02-13 20:56:11
Hello! I am looking for buffalo scrotums!

I can offer the following things!

x5 Lion meat [at 5GB each], all 5 for 2 buffies + 5GB! - G2 Tovero [20GB] or 2 Buffies, or 1 Buffy + 10GB! - G2 Tovero [20GB] or 2 Buffies, or 1 Buffy + 10GB! - G2 Achromia with BO Markings [10GB] or 1 Buffy!

I can also offer a package with the g2 toveros! I have 2 6-7 BO Marking kids! I can make it a bundle for 40 GB! so 4 buffies, 40gb or 2 buffies + 20GB!

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