Posted by Iriedae (Closed)

Bee (#328804)

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Posted on
2023-02-15 07:35:58


The Ireidaes are these flower based creatures that inhabit a planet named Polar, You are a researcher that has been sent to document and learn about them. Unfortunately the Iriedae are extremely clingy and tend to get attached quickly so you may be stuck with any that you find.

The Forest-----
Here you can find Ireidaes with darker color palettes and more "forest" flower types, the chances of getting a mutation here are around 15%. Some of the unique features that the Iriedaes here have are a long prehensile tail that allows them to cling to branches with ease, long thin legs that help them run faster and keep them above the foliage, and soft tufts of fur on their belly
Explore here for 100sb? {yes} {no} or 100 sb and 1 gb for 10%+ chance on everything meaning chance on finding a family, finding a mutation etc

The Beach----
Here you can find Ireidaes with lighter color palettes and more "aquatic" flower type, the chances of getting a mutation here are around 20%. Some of the unique features that the beach Iriedaes have are a a flat, paddle like tail that allows them to swim fast underwater, they have webbed legs and fins on their back.
Explore here for 200 sb {yes} {no} or 200 sb and 1 gb for 10%+ chance on everything meaning chance on finding a family, finding a mutation etc

The Mountains---
Here you can find Iriedaes with more gray/monotone color palettes and high altitude flower types, the chances of getting a mutation here are around 25%. 5% chance for double mutation. Some of the unique features that the mountain Iriedaes have are thick stubby legs that are good for climbing and sharp claws for better grip, they have a short bobbed tail and rock like scales on them.
Explore here for 300 sb? {yes} {no} or 300 sb and 1 gb for 10%+ chance on everything meaning chance on finding a family, finding a mutation etc

----The Sky
Here you can find Ireidaes with more pastel color pallets and aside from the usual flower heads you even have a chance at finding a rare feathered Ireidae, the chances of finding a mutation here are around 30%. 10% chance for double mutation. Some of the unique features the Sky Iredae have are 4 large insect like wings on their back that help them glide from cloud to cloud, they have very thin legs due to their lack of walking, instead preferring to fly whenever the option is available, and their tail fans out like a peacocks.
Explore here for 400 sb? {yes} {no} or 400 sb and 1 gb for 10%+ chance on everything meaning chance on finding a family, finding a mutation etc

----The Ravines
Here you can find more magma and gem colored Iriedaes with flower heads that are more adapted to a hot almost desert-like climate, the chances of finding a mutation here are around 35%. 15% chance of double mutation.Some of the unique features the Ravine Iriedae have are translucent gem-like claws, smooth but tough skin and their tails tend to look as if they were melting with the end of each Ravine Iridae's tail being colored a bright red, they are also blind.
Explore here for 500 sb? {yes} {no} or 500 and 1 gb for 10%+ chance on everything meaning chance on finding a family, finding a mutation etc


Bundle of dried lavender: For whatever reason Iriedae absolutely ADORE the smell of lavender, it's like catnip to them.
Increases your chance of finding 2 Iriedae by 20%, it is originally at 5%.
Costs: 200 sb 5 uses

Basket full of soft blankets: Wouldn't it be nice for them to line their nests with?
Increases your chance of finding a mother Iriedae and a random number of offspring by 20%, it is originally at 10% (the offspring don't have bloomed flower heads, it's just a bud and the offspring look different from the mother, this can be stacked with the "potion" for a possibility of one of the offspring to be mutated if the mother isn't)
Cost: 200 sb 5 uses

Bird seed: Uh, Isn't this supposed to be for birds?
Increases your chance of finding a feathered Iredae by 15%, it is originally at 3%
Cost: 1 gb 5 uses

Some random leaves and flowers a 10-year old mixed together and called a "potion":
Where on earth did you get this??
Doubles your chance of finding a mutation
Cost: 1 gb 5 uses

Bag of chips: It's a bag of can eat it....I guess.
Increases chance of something very mysterious and odd by 100%
(NEW SPECIES???? maybe, nah i don't have the brain power for that, just an entire custom Iriedae family with mutations and all)
Cost: 5 gb 5 uses

Mushroom (type of mushrooms has variation)
Fluffy (can also have curly fluff)
horns (different types of horns)
two heads (possible for the heads to look different)
two tails
wings (just means more wings for the sky Iriedae)
Extra limbs
Patches (like piebald)
Out of type (ex: stone scales on a beach Iriedae instead of a mountain Iriedae)
no flower head
2 different types of flowers in 1


less petals
more petals
longer claws
shorter claws
different wings
flower types

You can use store items during the breeding to increase chances of things happening to the offspring

A typical Iriedae patch (Imma call 'em that cause they have flower heads) is 2-4 buds (that's what we will be calling them)

Simply Put a photo of your Iriedae, the name of the stud (WIP) you would like to breed it with and 200 sb

OR you can request to stud one of your Iriedaes to another players or one of your own if you have multiple, If you want to stud to another players you have to dm them about it and I will ask for their confirmation.

These are free seeds (Iriedae equivalent of eggs) that have been abandoned, you can grab up to 2 per rollover.

There aren't any here right now

Conversion rate for alternative payment is
1000 sb = 1 gb
10 hs = 1 gb
for items you will have to message me

example of forest Iriedae

example of ravine Iriedae

Ad: Funky little flower creatures :D

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Edited on 23/09/23 @ 06:52:36 by Bee (#328804)

Bee (#328804)

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Posted on
2023-02-15 14:39:24
Just Comment if you have ideas about stuff you want me to add

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Bee (#328804)

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Posted on
2023-02-15 21:21:56
commenting on my own post so it looks like people actually interact with this

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Ivonsterz (#245379)

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Posted on
2023-02-16 21:37:30
Could i explore one of each? :D total of 1.5k sbs I believe! These are super cool!!!

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Bee (#328804)

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Posted on
2023-02-17 07:14:08
Oh wow that's a lot, but yeah I'll get to work on them right away!

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Ivonsterz (#245379)

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Posted on
2023-02-17 07:34:47
Awesome! Just lmk when to send the payment! ^^

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Bluewhite (#211894)

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Posted on
2023-02-18 21:34:57
Hi I was wondering if we can rp here as well? Since we are on the planet and can I have one as well if you have questions pm me

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Bee (#328804)

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Posted on
2023-02-18 21:36:55
Eh, why not. And yes you may have one just tell me which area you would like it from.
I could make a discord sever for rps and stuff if enough people want it

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Edited on 18/02/23 @ 21:37:57 by Bee (#328804)

Bluewhite (#211894)

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Posted on
2023-02-18 21:39:18
I would like the sky one and ill send the sb before as well

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Bee (#328804)

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Posted on
2023-02-18 21:45:35
M'kay, I will start working on them soon

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Bee (#328804)

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Posted on
2023-02-24 10:34:22
@Torromorro|Dm me
”Melon” I finally have the flower creatures done! just send over the payment and I'll post them.

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Bee (#328804)

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Posted on
2023-02-24 10:36:52
and faith I will start on yours right now

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Ivonsterz (#245379)

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Posted on
2023-02-24 10:57:36
Sending it now!

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Bee (#328804)

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Posted on
2023-02-24 13:12:49
Thank you!
Here they are
You found a dark colored Forrest iredae with a daisy head, the moss pattern and dark brown fur on its underside.
base legs----common
dark colors---common
moss pattern--common
brown fur----common
You found a light colored beach Iriedae with a lily head, the seaweed pattern, base color legs, shark fins and a mutation!
Light colors---common
base color legs----common
seaweed pattern---uncommon
shark fins---uncommon
Mutation:out of type (emerald gem claws)--- Unique
You found a neutral colored mountain Iriedae with a desert phlox flower head and a mutation
Neutral colors-----uncommon
mutation:fluffy (wavy fluff)-----Unique
You found 2 sky Iriedaes they both have neutral color palettes, the standing up one has a cloud pattern, dandelion head, bat wings and brown legs. The laying down one has a mutation, dandelion head and bee wings
Neutral colors----uncommon
cloud pattern----uncommon
bat wings-----rare
brown legs----uncommon

Mutation: piebald (stalagmite)----Unique
two colored legs----uncommon
bee wings----common
You found a ravine Iriedae with lava/magma colors, a marigold flower head, crackle pattern, amber gem claws and fading two color legs.
Lava/magma colors-----rare
crackle pattern----rare
amber gem claws---uncommon
fading two color legs----rare

Either the ravine Iriedae or the (kind of) twin sky Iriedaes were my favorite to make :D

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Edited on 05/04/23 @ 14:01:52 by Bee (#328804)

Ivonsterz (#245379)

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Posted on
2023-02-24 13:20:38
I love them sm!!! Ty!! Cant wait to come back when I have more money :D

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Bee (#328804)

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Posted on
2023-02-24 13:22:03
lol don't blow all your money on adopts

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