Posted by Cas's PWYW Adopts

saltandvinegarchip (#335385)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-02-17 22:06:43
Hey! Trying to sell these two, so I'm gonna be pretty brief with this part. The rules are the only thing you really need to pay attention to here. Besides that, it's basically pay what you want for some pixels, so I guess that works out well in the end.

1.) Be respectful, the unspoken rule.
2.) Don't claim this artwork as your own (though seriously, why would you? There's so many better artists out there.)
3.) Please credit me with my TH:
4.) Please have toyhouse so I can transfer the unwatermarked adopt to you!
5.) I have the right to decline any offer! However, I most likely won't do so.

Adopt 3#:


Adopt 4#:


Have a nice day, folks

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Edited on 17/02/23 @ 22:27:21 by Casoric (#335385)

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