Posted by 🪴 Saberwoofs 🪴 (CLOSED)

˙ᵕ˙ Roo (M) (#421773)

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Posted on
2023-02-18 12:02:25

Do not post! This is a wip!

Note this lore is based on Old and New Norse Religion, there is mention of Norse gods and drowning. If you do not want to hear about either of those things please do not read the lore.

There were more than 500 Saberwoofs. Odin would often give these woofs to those who performed good deeds. Upon discovering this, the Romans decided to do good deeds to please the god. Yet they failed every time. So they tried to take the woofs by force.
This resulted in a large battle, tons of Saberwoofs were slaughtered. Many on Roman lands, they slayed them to near extinction. Only a pair was left Amund, the Protector and Liv of Life and their three remaining cubs.
When the last pair was cornered they made a deal with Odin, in return for giving their souls to Njord Odin would save their cubs. The couple jumped into the Atlantic Ocean where they drowned. Odin kept his promise, he took the cubs and placed their souls in three pendants waiting for humans to become pure of heart to release the three.
He quickly realized that humans will never be pure of heart and decided to raise the three to adulthood and release them into the national parks. These Saberwoofs can only be seen by those that have good intentions. Saber woofs are now back in the hundreds and there are conservation efforts for them. It is extremely hard to conserve the breed as not many can see them and think they don’t exist.
Fossils still exist and there are a few museums dedicated to their existence. They have even found the bones of Amund and Liv, and have them on display at a conservation center in Iceland. If you are found worthy you can adopt and find these mythical creatures in the wild. They can grow to a massive 18 hands, and be ridden. They love when their manes are braided and love gold.

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Edited on 20/02/23 @ 16:08:01 by 🌱 Monstera [M] (#421773)

˙ᵕ˙ Roo (M) (#421773)

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Posted on
2023-02-18 12:02:53

- Saberwoofs are a closed species meaning you cannot create your own without a MYO ticket or direct permission from🌱 Monstera [M] (#421773)
- Do not harass other players.
- Payment is due before you receive your woof.
- Feel free to ask questions about Saberwoofs.
- Try not to rush me, while I’m not busy I did get into a car crash so now I have nerve damage and sometimes I’m in pain all day, I apologize.

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Edited on 19/02/23 @ 12:11:30 by 🌱 Monstera [M] (#421773)

˙ᵕ˙ Roo (M) (#421773)

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Posted on
2023-02-18 12:02:57

Exploring is a great way to find your woofs and Saberwoofs currency!
When exploring you are Guaranteed a woof.

The Alpine Meadows are very high in elevation, therefore they don't have trees. It's a very rocky climate with sparse grass and bushes.
The birch forest is very thick, dense birch forest with many bushes and rivers.
The flower field has every flower you can imagine! There is also a giant lake called The Lake of Lost Vikings sat right in the middle of this field.

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Edited on 20/02/23 @ 16:34:50 by 🌱 Monstera [M] (#421773)

˙ᵕ˙ Roo (M) (#421773)

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Posted on
2023-02-18 12:03:02




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Edited on 20/02/23 @ 17:52:33 by 🌱 Monstera [M] (#421773)

˙ᵕ˙ Roo (M) (#421773)

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Posted on
2023-02-18 12:03:08


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Edited on 19/02/23 @ 12:08:56 by 🌱 Monstera [M] (#421773)

˙ᵕ˙ Roo (M) (#421773)

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Posted on
2023-02-18 12:03:46
Saving For later

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[G1|Ra|Fissure] (#302293)

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Posted on
2023-02-25 10:34:44
@ Monstera [M] (#421773) has full permission to use my lineart for explore, adopts, customs, or any other use they so choose! <3

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