Posted by primal breeding|I have doubts

🌷[He] (#402207)

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Posted on
2023-02-19 23:31:32
I'm saving silver beetles to be able to buy a female Ferus in the future, but my question: if I breed my current king who doesn't have any mutations, with a female ferus, will the cubs inherit some primal mutation?

It's a question I've had for a long time.
I understand that primal males are the only ones that can pass on their genes to their offspring. but I read that the only primal females that can also do it are Ferus females.

If I bred with my king and a female ferus, could puppies come out with some mutation?
in the event that they are not transmitted,
What do you advise me to raise primal puppies? :,c

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Myriad [mostly
frozen] (#76)

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Posted on
2023-02-19 23:55:56
Ferus is the exception to the 'only males can pass down primal cubs' rule. You can see the full list of inheritable mutations on the wiki here which includes it. There's also more detailed info on the ferus section of the primals page here, as well as the FAQ at the bottom there.

So, yes, there is a chance that a female ferus can produce primal cubs when bred to any stud. They are more likely to be plain primal rather than ferus though, since that's more common to inherit. Or they could also be smilus or felis. But the chance of any sort of primal cubs is quite low; I've seen players estimate roughly 5%, though staff haven't released actual numbers so nobody knows how accurate it is. I wouldn't be surprised if it was actually lower. But if the father is any primal variant as well as the mother being a ferus the chance is obviously doubled.

Other than that the only guaranteed way to get primals is to use the Mutie on Demand item to apply it. That is only for normal primal though; ferus etc are not applicable.

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