Posted by New combo breeding idea

` (#264808)

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Posted on
2023-02-21 15:29:12
I was just thinking of this, and ill make art of it later.

So, you know snowflake is only bred in wet season, and snowflake x snowflake cant get you snowflake when out of it right?

So what if out of wet season it produced either 1 - the factors of that base or two - a new base, i thought of the name rain puddle, or something water related because since its not wet season / cold it melted!

Same thing with other bases such as smog, i havent came up with a new base for it but maybe smog x smog out of dry season can get you one of its factors?

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` (#264808)

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Posted on
2023-02-21 15:34:36
Please post suggestions or opinions!!

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