Posted by Do 1st Gen tigons ONLY come from NCL’s?

Rin Spiritwolf (#20915)

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Posted on
2023-02-23 05:24:13
Hey there I had a question and it may seem kind of dumb considering how long I have been on lioden but do Tigons(1st Gen) only come from NCL’s who have had CRB?

I tried once to breed a first Gen Tigon from my females (definitely not NCL’s) but it was never effective. I am wondering if true NCL’s have higher chances than an average pride lioness.

I may start a breeding goal of trying to get a Gon with CRB NCL’s as I have the funds and no current breeding goals. Haven’t had any breeding goals for several years now and only log in for event stuff so I think this project may renew my interest in the game as well.

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(she/her) (#41009)

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Posted on
2023-02-23 05:29:25
Nope, first gen gons can be born from any lioness, people just prefer to try with CRB NCLs due to the possible hybrid to be gen 2 overall ^^ Since CRBs are a lot less expensive to mass breed than say, using a GMO/lion meat, people like to mass breed them for the chance of the muts

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Edited on 23/02/23 @ 05:30:53 by Midthedragoness (she/her) (#41009)

Mad Hyena (#29080)

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Posted on
2023-02-23 05:52:45
NCLs dont have higher chances, BUT NCLs are easier to obtain for massbreeding - its much easier to get 50 in-heat NCLs than it is to amass that many lionesses with heritage (and to get a hybrid, you will need many, many such ~50 lioness batches). Plus, a G2 overall G1 hybrid is worth more than if it will have bigger heritage; the shorter the lineage, the cleaner the lion is, thus fitting for more people = more potential interested buyers for cubs/reverse breeds/the hybrid itself.

Remember the rarity is also a key. I have used over 300 CRBs without ever getting a hybrid. Its very, very, very rare to get, so dont get discouraged after just a few tries.

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Edited on 23/02/23 @ 05:55:08 by Mad Hyena (#29080)

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