Posted by I price prides!

SinfulEclipce (#156594)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2023-02-23 11:11:57
Hi all want to know your prides worth want someone experienced to look it over?

Well look no further than here custom prices for different lists I will look over your pride and send a detailed report of all different lions upon completion.

Services I offer

Basic list - No specifics just the lion as a whole 50sb per lion.

Beta list- Basic specifics such as Mutation and marks 70sb per lion or 1000 for a pride of 40

Delta list- A bit more detailed with marks, mutations, heritage 100sb per lion or 3000 for a pride of 40

Complete report- I look over your entire lion from every single angle researching current prices and everything I'm between before reporting back 150sb per lion or 30gb for a pride of 40.

I also take items as payment

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