Posted by Trading heart shells

Cloverr (#315009)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2023-02-26 11:24:03
I've seen people say they're selling HS or buying HS, but there doesn't seem to be an option to add HS to an offer or to buy HS. How does it work? And I read on the wiki you can apparently transfer HS from one account to the other by clicking a button, but I can't find it. Is the wiki outdated?

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Skeleton (#2435)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2023-02-26 12:34:11
Players can't exchange event currency. So when people say "I'm buying HS" what they actually mean is "I'll pay you to use your HS to buy me items from the event shop". The player buying the HS would tell the player selling their HS what items they want from the event shop, then the players would create a trade to exchange the event items for the that the buyer is offering.

Regarding the wiki, you can transfer event currency between your own accounts (your main account and your secondary account) once you link them. Once they are linked, you just go to the event page and scroll down to the bottom and there will be an option to transfer the event currencies between accounts.

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