Posted by Why is no information on this encounter?
YuletideLynx (#398567)

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Posted on
2023-02-26 17:08:41
For context I'm referring to that one encounter where you encounter a lone lion cub and the flavour text is something like oh boy you could really hurt someone pride. And the options are ingore which results in well you ignoring the cub, and the other option is frolic which results in you going to the claiming lioness screen, and the last option is kill the cub which results in you getting into a fight with a pissed off lioness. And today I was wondering does killing the cub results in negative karma gain? So I looked on the wiki and the forums for an answer andddddd nothing for some reason why is that?

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Posted on
2023-02-27 12:48:52
killing the cub does result in negative karma gain, and it also makes you fight an angry lioness.
i dont know why theres no info on the encounter though! thats strange

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