This isn't a guide on how get rl or rlc but rather a guide to all of the ones that exist from 2019 to present, this topic will take awhile to finish.
The reason I am just doing 2019 to present is because the listings of the ones before then weren't exactly accurate. And that would be a lot more work.
The idea to make this when I decided I wanted to see which raffle lionesses are extinct and which aren't, and others might too!
Note- there will be no notes about the mutation or pose of the lioness, nor the background that was used
January 4th
Base- Ruffian (tan skin)
Mane- Pariah / Pearl
Eyes- Sectoral Amber and Ice
1- Chocolate Freckles 3 (100)
2- Bones soft unders (100)
3- Shell lace (100)
4- Ruffian feline (55)
5- Bone under felt (100)
6- Under white 1 (100)
7- Shell rims (100)
8- Feline 8 Silky (50)
9- Black dorsal line (50)
10- White facial 1 (100)
Alive clones= 0
Frozen clones= 0
OG RL= owner left
January 11th
Base- Cocoa ( black skin)
Mane- Savage / Cocoa
Eyes- Hazel
1- Chert panther (100)
2- Clay panther (100)
3- Scoria rogue (45)
4- Scoria panther (100)
5- Shell soft unders (100)
6- Gold brindle (30)
7- White under felt (70)
8- Dim gold (25)
9- Gold panther (100)
10- Onyx Panther (100)
Alive clones= 0
Frozen clones= 0
OG RL= dead
January 18th
Base- Lilac ( Pale skin)
Mane- Tsavo / Lilac
Eyes- Amethyst
1- Quarts Lace (100)
2- Quarts soft lace (100)
3- Vitiligo 7 (100)
4- Feline 4 silver (100)
5- Vitiligo 4 (100)
6- Vitiligo 1 (100)
7- Quarts under felt (100)
8- Lilac Margay (80)
9- Under white 4 (100)
10- Lilac rogue (50)
Alive clones= 0
Frozen clones= 0
OG RL= Alive (Frozen in an inactive account)
January 25th
Base- Pearl ( pale skin)
Mane- Tsavo / pearl
Eyes- Sectoral brown and blue
1- Gold brindle (100)
2- Bone lace (100)
3- Feline 1 silky (100)
4- Feline 5 silky (50)
5- Marigold crackle (100)
6- Dark brown crackle (80)
7- Chert pelage (30)
8- Cream rims (100)
9- Inverted soft rosette bone (100)
10- Under white 4 (100)
Alive clones= 0
Frozen clones= 0
OG RL= dead