Posted by Chimera mutation

Comet (#392676)

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Posted on
2023-03-03 20:23:01
So I had an idea what if we could have 2 mutations in 1 and then I remembered that’s an actual thing in nature when two mutated embryos mix in the womb they become a combination of two mutations and I though huh that would be kinda cool of it was in the game so I decided I would post it and see everyone’s thought on it and with enough agrees it could lead to a whole new category of mutations and add tons of cool lions so here’s my thoughts
- let’s say you would have had 2/4 cubs mutated you get 3 cubs one is a chimera mutie and a mix of two random mutations
- if one type is gender specific then chimeras of that mutation can only be that gender
-if only one of the genders can pass it only that gender of those pass it
-if neither side passes it then it cannot be passed on
-If one side is lethal then they die at the same time said lethal would
-AMP show as the other mutation until they hit adulthood then it shows both
-if a cub has two lethals it dies faster than regular lethals
-any stipulations with breeding from only one of the muties goes to the chimera
-if a king is a chimera it can pass any mutations that the two muties it’s combined from can

This suggestion has 9 supports and 11 NO supports.

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Edited on 03/03/23 @ 20:23:40 by The air alchemist (#392676)

Comet (#392676)

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Posted on
2023-03-03 20:25:50
I would like suggestions on this

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snowmew [G1 14BO
Abyssinian] (#63212)

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Posted on
2023-03-03 21:16:07
chimera is a rejected mutation

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