Posted by Event Currency and User Log

Arret Rea (#138617)

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Posted on
2023-03-04 16:49:45
Hey everyone!

I was wondering if earning event currency is supposed to be recorded in the user log. Specifically when acquired via explore? I don't see it collecting in there this month, other than for battles.

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Xyla! (#385451)

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Posted on
2023-03-04 17:20:22
I think certain events do record event currency earned in the user log, as February did, but March and other events don't which is a bit odd. I remember that February and October (there could be other events but I'm going off of my own experience) actually track how much overall event currency you've earned for that account, so maybe it's coded so that kind of stuff only shows up during the 'bigger'/more grind-ish months

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