Posted by Opinions please

Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

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Posted on
2023-03-05 18:30:01
I'm going broke already ^^; Spent 10 GB on the Ardor mane and 3 GB on him.

Should I make this little guy a female and try to breed a Serruria, or leave that for my Heavenly lioness?

I'm already in the process of fixing him up so he'd be my next themed lion in the event I want him as my next king. More than likely will be frogged unless I want to keep him as male so you all can see his glorious mane should he be chosen as a king.

I'm just looking for opinions because I don't want to waste my time and GB if he won't be a good stud for others Serruia attempts. I also don't want to patrol him with my submale when he's a teen if it's not worth it.

Should I remove some markings since I'm not a fan of some of them? Or leave them as is?

Any help would be appreciated.

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Edited on 05/03/23 @ 18:30:45 by Mots - RP Loved🏒 (#5378)

Alira (#254843)

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Posted on
2023-03-05 21:26:21
Oooh though choice!

Im very biased towatds pastel coloured lions so I think he is stunning!

However Serruria is such a pretty and new combo base that I think would sell quite well.

What markings were you considering removing??

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