Posted by [ADDED] Go Directly Back To The Menu You Were In (

G1 Splash (#83359)

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Posted on
2023-03-06 11:27:37

When I'm feeding my lions I have to go the food dropdown menu, click the food I want, and feed them. All good, right? But it goes back to the general hoard menu, instead of the food menu! Is it a little annoying? Sure! Can it be alleviated by just re-entering the food menu? Also sure, but this is the convenience board, eh?

My suggestion is this: When you are in a certain section of your hoard, and you use an item on that section, you can go back to that certain section after using the item.

Edit: I've noticed that this does happen on wolvden, so that's even more of a reason for it to be on lioden!

This suggestion has 99 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 14/07/23 @ 23:58:52 by MxGanyu[He/It/They] G2 Slender (#83359)

Frankenstein (#334540)

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Posted on
2023-03-15 02:29:05
I've never understood why it doesn't already do that! This'd be very nice.

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