Posted by Battle Rewards / Consequences

ay☀️ (#100065)

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Posted on
2023-03-06 22:03:05
As it stands now, whenever you successfully beat an enemy in explore, they skulk off exhausted and you win some EXP, a couple SB and some impression progress. You also lose 10 energy. When you lose, you yourself run away exhausted and lose 5 energy, regardless of if you flee or fight to the bitter end.

I think it’d be interesting to have a bit more variety to the battling system. There should be a small chance of you actually killing an enemy and getting a related reward. If you do, you’d just get a text bubble like “You roar and with one final (bite/ slash/ etc), the Enemy Lion collapses. It doesn’t get up.” And as a bonus you’r get a lion skull or something like that. The original “they run away” scenario would still exist, we’d just have that chance of triggering a death scenario as well. The bonus rewards would be individual for various enemies. An elephant could drop an elephant carcass or skull, a snake could drop a snakeskin, that kind of thing. And the rate at which you can succeed in killing them could vary as well.

As for the energy loss, I think fleeing should have a lower energy loss than losing outright, as should winning. It would further reward players for actually winning rather than losing, while also rewarding players for choosing to flee rather than get beat half to death. I think 5 lost for fleeing, 10 lost for winning, and 15 lost for losing is a good general ballpark.

This suggestion has 12 supports and 1 NO support.

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