Posted by Gastroschisis lethal mutation suggestion

”¦π”žπ”«π“‚€ (#283657)

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Posted on
2023-03-07 21:46:14
Gastroschisis- A birth defect where a hole in the abdominal (belly) wall beside the belly button allows the intestines to extend outside of the body. The hole can be small or large and sometimes other organs, such as the stomach and liver, can be found outside of the body as well.
(I think this would be a really interesting lethal Mutation and from personal experience of having a newborn kitten with this condition (R.I.P Hope) they would pass after 1 rollover, As their intestines would slowly start to dry up and the cub would weaken and start to go cold, quickly resulting in the cubs passing)

" 'name' Was cleaning her newly born cubs when she noticed one had their intestines fully outside their body right along side the umbilical cord, the cub seemed perfectly fine otherwise but 'name' knew that this cub wouldn't last"

"As the intestines slowly dried up 'cubs name' quickly started to weaken and eventually went cold indicating that they had passed"

I'm not exactly sure how lineart would look like but I imagine it to be similar to the Harlequin lethal Mutation!

At this time I haven't seen anyone else suggest anything like this but if someone already suggested this pls let me know!

This suggestion has 38 supports and 14 NO supports.

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Edited on 18/03/23 @ 22:03:54 by ~β™‘ Casper β™‘~ (#283657)

βˆ†b!ll cipherβˆ† (#311903)

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Posted on
2024-02-25 13:05:43
no support,too gory-like.

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[dm me nipplepox] (#462174)

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Posted on
2024-03-28 19:22:06
i support. i don't get how this would be to gory anyways? i mean in the march even there are baby elephants next to their mothers who have their whole face ripped off, there are lethal mutations like cyclopia, two heads, and harlequin ichtyosis. and maybe there could be a button thing to atleast hide the picture, (like the hide all even activities) or the picture could just not show it. also sorry to hear about ur kitten, may she rest in peace <3

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𐂂 Neon Genesis
𐂂 (#164933)

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Posted on
2024-03-29 17:23:53
sounds cool, full support! sure, its a lil graphic, but nowhere near as bad as some of the event arts and the like.

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