Posted by Lifetime Patrolling VS Early Kinging? :|: Stats

Attic of The Sky (#12149)

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Posted on
2023-03-12 13:25:09
If you have an heir that is 10 years 1 month of age or older, they will be de-aged down to 8 years of age when they are made your leader. If you have an heir that is 2 years 11 months or younger, they will be aged up to 3 years of age when they are made your leader.

Patrolling a lion all their life would yield better stats than if the the lion was kinged at three, having those extra five-ish years to gain stats from lvl ups? It would depend on how often the player patrolled and explored tho?

I'm just trying to figure out what would be better. My main problem is that with lifetime patrolling you have to freeze one account while the other patrols the sub for what seems forever.

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Attic of The Sky (#12149)

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Posted on
2023-03-12 13:31:26
I guess, it's a matter of how many stats could a lifetime patrolled lion gain vs how many stats could a 3 year old king gain till 8 years old. Like which would be more. Again it all depends on the player... But you also have to think about leveling that patrolled king, he'll gain more stats in the long run. Idk, I'm just trying to think. x___x My brain isn't braining.

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