Posted by More poseable mutations + flavor texts for them

Ballsack🌔 (#342746)

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Posted on
2023-03-14 01:53:24
Asteroid Hyalosis - shiny flecks of leftover material from development in one or both eyes. A benign condition, but a very pretty one.
Flavor Texts:
"[Lion Name] really wants to cuddle. You were going to go do that thing today, but... how can you say no to those starry eyes?!"
"[Lion Name]'s eyes sparkle more than usual when they see you."

Polydactyly: Extra digits on the paws. Another mostly benign condition
Flavor Texts:
Cub only: "During training, almost every cub except [Lion Name] fell off of a smooth branch. They claim that it was sheer luck or something, but you know it's because of their extra toes. If only they knew how much of a promising cub they are, thumbs or not..."
Adult: "[Lion Name] cleverly grabs and holds a rib bone using their extra toes."

Cutaneous Asthenia: An odd condition where a cat has excess skin on its shoulders, which can make it seem like it has wings.
Flavor Texts:
"[Lion Name] has a bird on their paw. It must have mistaken them for a very large and strange-looking fellow avian."

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