Posted by LLM Bird Directory

Vinn [G2 RLC ferus] (#172263)

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Posted on
2023-03-14 22:13:58
Lioden Loft & Mews - Bird Directory
In order for your adopts and/or bred offspring to be interactive, they must first be registered in the directory.

Since the entirety of your bird(s) profile(s) are contained in a comment not editable by me, please keep any information up to date, particularly stats. I will not be able to provide accurate competition results if none of the bird's earned stats are added.

Also, please do not take this as an opportunity to "cheat" by adding unearned stats or not subtracting health stats. If I notice something fishy and find someone's been cheating, I will permanently ban that person from any competitions - they will only be able to access breeding.

You can register your bird(s) by commenting using the following form:

Owner: (User and ID)
Breed: (may not be applicable)
Pedigree: (same as lion heritage, not applicable to birds that weren't bred by players)
Offspring: (may not be applicable)
Image/Art: (may not be applicable / optional) (you can add multiple images if you wish)

Note: All newly bred/bought birds start at level 0
Keeping all owned birds by one user on the same comment is convenient but not required.
To keep this thread as accessible as possible, please do not hold conversations here. DM me if you have questions.

HTML Template by Chris (#105465)

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Edited on 26/03/23 @ 22:36:10 by Vinn [G2 primal seer] (#172263)

Winter (Proj Stud!) (#265714)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2023-03-27 12:27:09
Owner: (User and ID) Winter 265714
Name: Milkshake
Sex: Male
Breed: NY Flying Flight
Class: Performance / Show
Phenotype (Appearance): Grizzled Yellow
Genotype (Genetics): Ab/dd/Ss/ee/ZZ/CC+/Grgr/A+A+/MM/Ggss/CRcr/FRFR/oo/BUbu/tutu/TRTR/HH
Level: 0
Stats: Speed/14, Agility/9, Endurance/7, Skill/4, Intelligence/12, Health/13, Aesthetic/16
Pedigree: (same as lion heritage, not applicable to birds that weren't bred by players) N/A
Offspring: (may not be applicable) N/A
Image/Art: (may not be applicable / optional) (you can add multiple images if you wish) Too lazy

Owner: (User and ID) Winter 265714
Name: Sonic
Sex: Female
Breed: Racing Homer
Class: Performance / Show
Phenotype (Appearance): Black
Genotype (Genetics): B/D/Ss/EE/Zz/C+c/grgr/A+a+/MM/Ggss/CRcr/FRfr/Oo/BUBU/tutu/TRtr/HH
Stats: Speed/17, Agility/12, Endurance/15, Skill/6, Intelligence/13, Health/9, Aesthetic/12
Pedigree: (same as lion heritage, not applicable to birds that weren't bred by players) N/A
Offspring: (may not be applicable) N/A
Image/Art: (may not be applicable / optional) (you can add multiple images if you wish) Too lazy

Owner: (User and ID) Winter 265714
Sex: Female
Breed: West of England Tumbler
Class: Performance / Show
Phenotype (Appearance): Muffed Brown Bar
Genotype (Genetics): b/D/ss/Ee/Zz/C+c/grgr/A+A+/Mm/ggSs/CRcr/FRfr/oo/BUBU/TUtu/trtr/HH
Stats: Speed/12, Agility/15, Endurance/10, Skill/8, Intelligence/11, Health/12, Aesthetic/18
Pedigree: (same as lion heritage, not applicable to birds that weren't bred by players) N/A
Offspring: (may not be applicable) N/A
Image/Art: (may not be applicable / optional) (you can add multiple images if you wish) Too lazy

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Rome XI (#192961)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-03-29 23:02:27
Owner: Rome XI #192961
Name: Prim
Sex: Female
Species: Pigeon
Breed: Kanazer
Class: Performance / Show
Phenotype: Muffed Ash-red Barless
Genotype: A/D/s/EE/Zz/cc/grgr/A+A+/Mm/GgSs/CRcr/FRfr/oo/BUbu/TUtu/TRtr/Hh
Level: 0
Stats: Speed/11, Agility/16, Endurance/7, Skill/9, Intelligence/7, Health/7, Aesthetic/18
Pedigree: Unknown / N/A
Offspring: None
Image/Art: Will be added later

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Edited on 29/03/23 @ 23:04:03 by Rome XI (#192961)

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