Posted by (~) Sage's Adopts! (~)

Tide! She/they (#383119)

Dreamboat of Ladies
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2023-03-15 12:50:18

Welcome to Sage's Adopts!

Welcome to sage's adopts! Here you can find adopts made by me which you can buy fairly cheap or i auction off adopts!

1. Do not claim as yours, you have to credit it me SOMEWHERE.
2. You may post it on other places then lioden.
3. You cannot sell these designs, unless you ask in which i can decline or not.
4. Do not use these designs for NSFW art, etc.
5. I am perfectly willing to haggle prices, ex: via monkey teeth, gb, applicators, etc
6. Sometimes if i do not feel up to drawing the line art i will use other artists line art, they will be credited

Examples of art:

Prices Ranges:
GB: 3-6
SB: 3000-6000
Monkey Teeth: 60
Oasis Items: RMA's, Marking Opacity Changers, Poses, Lab test frogs, Etc
Breeding items
Stat Items
Medlar Fruits

Current Adopts:

Current Auctions:

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Edited on 16/03/23 @ 07:47:39 by Sage - G3 Scattered Merlot (#383119)

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