→NA means Not Available, offers can be made but the item may not be in stock
→All Oasis and Monkey Business shop Items can be traded for other items or swapped with SB
→In season event items will be worth the Currency conversion price, out of season will likely be MORE
→Some of the items may have a permanent price/set price. This price is listed beside the item. Otherwise the price is usually branch/trade price
→Prices are subject to change
→ Piety trade; after discussion, send lion to me with what mark you would like, then a private trade for the price
Ammonite Fur
Ancestral Body
Angelic Mane
Applicator: Blue Lace
Applicator: Grunge
Applicator: Inverted Blemish
Applicator: Inverted Brawl
Applicator: Inverted Maraja
Applicator: Inverted Squabble
Applicator: Lycaon Scarce
Applicator: Proteles Heavy
Applicator: Proteles Scarce
Ardor Splendor
Brimstone Imprints
Brimstone Mane
Cretaceous Fur
Decennial Base
Decennial Markings
Esker Markings
Ethereal Body
Ethereal Fur
Eye Applicator: Cloudy
Eye Applicator: Drongo
Eye Applicator: Eldritch
Eye Applicator: Vile
Feast of (April's) Foools
Feast of Saint Patrick
Festive Gift
Flamingo Plumes
Fossil Body
Fossil Fur
Grace of the King Cheetah
Hoarfrost Markings
Murk Marks
Mutie On Demand: Overgrown Fur
Mutie On Demand: Piebald (Ticked)
Parhelion Fur
Penumbra Fur
Phantom Fur
Rime Markings
Rose Pink Kisses
Rosy Cheeks
Sacred Fur
Scent of Hibiscus
Shiny Medal
Skin Applicator: Doubloon
Skin Applicator: Lagoon
Skin Applicator: Lavender
Spectre Fur
Supernal Body
Supernal Fur
Sweet Merlot
Taste of Peach
Touch of Demiurge
Victor's Secret
[D] Great Fires Background
Abandoned Cemetery
Big Frozen Waterfall
Clean Lake
Cozy Waterholes
Rock Pinnacles
Snow-Covered Hut
Sunset Over The Desert
Wallowing Pit
Wild Waterhole
African Grass Rat
African Violet Crown
Albino Ball Python
Albino Bee [1]
Albino Dwarf Cub
Albino Tigon Cub
Ancient Lion Mask
Ascension Night Heron
Baoball Goalie
Big Cat Bodywear: Jaguar
Big Cat Headwear: Jaguar
Blue Diadem Caterpillar [1]
Blue Skimmer [1]
Blue Skimmer [2]
Carpenter Bee [1]
Charmed Dwarf Lioness
Chilling Apedemak
Chilling Apollyon
Coffee Locust [1]
Crocodile Skull Decor
Darwin's Bark Spider
Draco Whiskers [White]
Eager Cub [Brown]
Eager Cub [Golden]
Eager Cub [Onyx]
Eager Cub [White]
Ears of Bast
Fancy Guinea Pig [Abyssinian]
Fancy Guinea Pig [American Shorthair]
Fancy Guinea Pig [Himalayan]
Fancy Guinea Pig [Peruvian]
Fancy Guinea Pig [Rex]
Fancy Guinea Pig [Satin]
Fancy Guinea Pig [Teddy]
Fancy Guinea Pig [Texel]
Fancy Guinea Pig [White Crested]
Fancy Mouse [Banded Lilac Astrex]
Fancy Mouse [Black Self Astrex]
Fancy Mouse [Black Tan Standard]
Fancy Mouse [Black Variegated Astrex]
Fancy Mouse [Blue Self Astrex]
Fancy Mouse [Blue Siamese Astrex]
Fancy Mouse [Fawn Brindle Standard]
Fancy Mouse [Fawn Dutch Standard]
Fancy Mouse [Lilac Self Astrex]
Fancy Mouse [Red Self Astrex]
Fancy Mouse [Red Variegated Astrex]
Fancy Mouse [Seal Siamese Astrex]
Fancy Mouse [White Self Astrex]
Faux Fluffball Tail
Faux Mohawk: Spotted Hyena
Faux Mohawk: Striped Hyena
Feathered Leg Wraps - Guineafowl
Feathered Leg Wraps - Purple Starling
Finespun Hyena Bodywear [Spotted]
Flesh of the Unworthy
Fluffy Bracelets
Four-Toed Hedgehog
Giant Pouched Rat
Giant Stick Insect [1]
Giant Stick Insect [2]
Great Auk
Guardian Whisper of Tefnut
Hare Bone Piercings
Hartmann's Mountain Zebra
Hoopoe Starling
Hyena Nose
Injured Zebra Foal
Jolly Dwarf Lion
Kolbroek Pig
Kolbroek Piglets
Lebombo Cycad
Lion Spirit
Little Rascal - Bobbie
Little Rascal - Dwarf
Little Rascal - Foldie
Little Rascal - Leopon
Little Rascal - Piebald
Little Rascal - Poly
Little Rascal - Primal
Little Rascal - Tailless
Loving Leoponess
Lucky Rabbit Foot Necklace
Mascarene Teal
Mauritius Blue Pigeon
Messy Mane 2
Muddy Live Rat
Muddy Slopes
Muddy Tree
Mukota Piglets
Ogre-Faced Spider
Passionate Primal Patootie
Platinum Fox
Playful Rolling Hyena
Protective Piebald Pal
Punk Rabbit Headwrap
Purple Starling
Rabbit Bone Bracelets
Rabbit Bone Chest Wrap
Rabbit Fluff Collar
Rabbit Fluff Tail
Rabbit Fur Cloak
Rabbit Skull Necklace
Red Rail
Reed Canary Grass [1]
Réunion Ibis
Réunion Sheldgoose
Saint Helena Hoopoe
Scar: Anklebiter
Scar: Back Scratch
Scar: Beaten Up
Scar: Belly Scratch
Scar: Cheek
Scar: Face
Scar: Front Leg Left
Scar: Front Leg Right
Scar: Hind Leg Left
Scar: Hind Leg Right
Scar: Hip
Scar: Long Left Eye
Scar: Long Right Eye
Scar: Muzzle
Scar: Neck
Scar: Nose Ridge
Scar: Nose Scratch
Scar: Short Left Eye
Scar: Short Right Eye
Scar: Shoulder
Scar: Side
Scar: Tail
Scar: Torn Fur
Scar: White Eye Left
Scar: White Eye Right
Screaming Rabbit Relic
Sculpted Ice Armour [Front]
Seychelles Kestrel
Seychelles Parakeet
Shrikes in Thorns
Slender-Billed Curlew
Smitten Primal Kitten
Stag Beetle [1]
Stag Beetle [2]
Stretching Ferus
Ticks [Body]
Ticks [Face]
Wary Cape Coral Snake
Yawning Dwarf Lioness
Zebra Skull
Broken Tusk
Broken Watch
Coral Piece
Cracked Rum Bottle
Damp Log
Drowned Bike
Drowned Hyena
Drowned Wheel
Gem: Dioptase
Herb: Marula Fruit
Herb: Uqume
Impala Horn
Large Leaves
Large Rock
Lion's Claw
Marble Berries
Muddy Feather
Muddy Rat Carcass
Old Sandal
Porcupine Quills
Tail Tuft Hair
Special Use
Aging Pebble
Aloe Leaf
Beetle Nemesis: Empusa fasciata
Black Stallion
Bone Marrow
Buffalo Scrotum
Coffee Beans
Devil's Claw
Energy Boost
Event Beetle: Man-of-War
Fermented Marula Fruit
Follow the Injured
Human Liver
Hyena Butter
Hyena Meat
Leopard Orchid
Lion Scrotum
Lucky Foot
Meat Pie
Medlar Fruit
Red Bull
Roasted Lamb
Snake Scent
Toy Bundle
UAV - Search and Rescue
Vulture Egg
Water Root
Yohimbe Bark