Posted by Studding
Scott (#252026)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2023-03-19 20:18:53
Recently I've come across a new type of studding where you send your lioness to the studs account and they are returned once they have their cubs. Curious, is this within the game rules? Would there be punishment for either party if the queen wasn't returned or it was reported? Thank you.

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SIDE (#208511)

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Posted on
2023-03-19 22:27:49
Yes, that's traditional studding! It's perfectly allowed and fine.

I believe if the stud's owner didn't return the lioness, it falls under 1.26 in the code of conduct:

"We have a strict anti-scamming policy. If you conduct a sale, raffle, or any other transaction that involves the verbal agreement of two (or more, including yourself) players on the game without using the game's in-built systems and you fail to hold up your side of the deal to the letter of your terms, you may have the entire transaction forcibly reversed by moderators. You may also be permanently banned from the site."

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