Posted by Achromia Auction
Cat (#428200)

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Posted on
2023-03-20 06:32:49


🐾Do not bid currency you don't currently have.
🐾Do not remove a bid once it is place, however, if you need to back out, please let me know why. We might be able to work something out.
🐾After your offer is accepted, you have 24 hours to accept the trade. Please let me know if you will need more time.
🐾All images are clickable.
🐾Exchange Rate: 1000SB = 1GB

Mutated Lions

#1 Achromia
G2 | Clean | Stats: 391 | 5 Markings

SB: 500 SB
MI: 100 SB
AB: 5 GB
CB: None
If he is AB then I will sex change him for free if preferred!

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