Posted by IBF in explore?

<☆Itty Bitty
Titties☆> (#266237)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2023-03-26 15:25:46
we should be able to find an IBF in explore, but make it super rare to find, like how you can find interstellar remains during the July (I think) event by looking for shards. I had this thought because you can find all types of feathers in explore, so why not an IBF?

to make it seem more appropriate instead of slapping it right in explore, we could have it in the February event (Aphrodisia), because with love comes baby cubs, the interaction could go something like this:

"while making your way down to a local waterhole, something blows onto your nose. Hmm seems special."
you got a(an) instant cub delivery! (insert picture of the feather)

just a thought! feedback is appreciated!

This suggestion has 16 supports and 5 NO supports.

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Katze (#3)

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Posted on
2023-03-26 15:29:48
Hey there! This is already possible. One of the year-round environmental explore encounters ( has a very low chance of dropping an Instant Cub Delivery if you choose the "Pounce" option.

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Jack | G2 Jellyfish
Prion (#98461)

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Posted on
2023-03-26 15:31:08
Oh I had no idea pounce did anything but give you a regular feather!! Never thought to check that one, thanks Katze!

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<☆Itty Bitty
Titties☆> (#266237)

Total Chad
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Posted on
2023-03-26 15:32:36
oh i didn't know that!! I'm gunna defiantly pounce when i see that every time now lol

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