Posted by clean or dirty?

🌷[He] (#402207)

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Posted on
2023-03-30 10:28:11
It is a question that I have when classifying lions as dirty or clean.
I have a puppy that at first I saw his heritage, I thought he was clean, but I decided to review his complete heritage, and I realized that his family tree is TOO long. but in the end, the much older great grandparents had inbred, around generation 20 had there were grandparents who inbred into their lineage.
I would like to know if my puppy still counts as inbred or dirty. since in the generations of his parents or his most current grandparents are clean, he did not suffer any type of relationship of this type

does it still count as dirty?
Is there no way to cleanse your lineage?
if a lion is dirty is it a bad thing?

I personally don't mind if I have dirty lionesses, but I prefer to leave my main king's bloodline clean and that of his children

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Terrinthia [G1,
semi-frozen] (#97101)

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Posted on
2023-03-30 10:59:50
Dirty means that anywhere in a lion's heritage there is inbreeding. The only way to cleanse heritage completely is either to heritage rep a king, or chase an adult lioness. Chasing means there's a 50% chance she shows up for someone as an NCL to claim, and a 50% chance of being deleted. Dirty isn't bad, but since you can't un-dirty a lion except for the ways I stated, clean ones (especially short-gen) tend to be valued more.

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